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As an experiment in personal finance, I decided I wanted to purchase some stocks through an online brokerage company. I was interested in the mechanics and overall usefullness of these things. Serendipitously, I learned from Deal-News about a $400 rebate from E-Trade with a $400 purchase from MEI-Microcenter. Who am I to pass up free money? So I bought an Epson Color Stylus 900 printer, and opened my account. However, during my research I found that I really wanted an account with NDB (National Discount Brokers). So I opened an account with them too, and then began a buying spree to make Warren Buffet insane with jealousy! (Well, maybe giddy with moderate envy.) Here, then, is how I invested.



Software drives me batty, but everyone one and their brother uses it. Safe Bet. Possible gov't breakup? Remember AT&T? I still win! Ugh! I'm dying here! I've lost $30/share at last look. Of course, the contrarian in me wants to buy more at this depressed price. Holy Peruvian Coffee Grounds, Batman! They've lost half their value from the peak, subsequent to the DOJ ruling on being an illegal mononpoly. Still, if I had more money, I'd buy more shares. Well, currently the DOJ seems to be winning, but with the upcoming appeal, who knows what will happen.


Relatively old-guard tech stock. Sadly, their glory days of insane margins seem to be gone, but they still make money, and I still buy their chips. They seem to be having trouble getting good yields on chips > 900 MHz, while AMD doesn't seem to have any trouble making their high-end Athlons. That's not good. Are we seeing the beginning of the end?


I've seen around 10 Dell systems bought the past few years with no DOAs and no problems. I like them and so does almost everyone else I know. You should buy their computers and their stocks!

Apple Computers

They bottomed out at $12.50/share. I told myself I should buy them. I didn't. They broke $100/share recently. I kicked myself. Then I bought their shares.

Fruit of the Loom

This is my dark horse. My gamble. My road to riches, fame, and glory. Some say wagering on a bankrupt company is foolish. I say, who makes your skivvies? Well, right now, I'm losing my skivvies on this one. Stupid Class Action lawsuit. (sigh) Aarrrgh!!! They've been de-listed from the NYSE! I'm relegated to OTC now. Well, this has been educational. Well, I have no idea what's going on with FTL. I really need to check out the news and archives and see what's up with the lawsuit, and such. In the words of Sir Gallahad, He chose...poorly.
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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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