Starre's Fanfiction



Here's where you can check out the dabbling I do in the world of fanfiction. I hope you like it.







Cross of Gold  (Gundam Wing songfic)

Summary: Hilde talks to Duo about his religious beliefs

Warnings: Christian aspects. Don't read if you're offended by Christianity

Pairings: 2 + H insinuated


Forever (Sailor Moon)

Summary: Sailor Pluto reflects on her life as a Sailor Scout.

Warnings: Um, slight angst??

Pairings: None


If you're *insert name here* (Gundam Wing songfic)

Summary: This was originally a really stupid idea I had in English class. It developed into its very own songfic. Sung to the tune of  “If You’re Happy and You Know It.” Many thanks to my little sister, Gundamneko, who helped me develop some of the lyrics.

Warnings: Lots of OOCness and slight character bashing.

Pairings: None





Timeless Destinies (Gundam Wing)    *incomplete*

Summary: The Gundam Pilots are called back to defend the peace once again as a new enemy arises. Things heat up when they meet their five new partners.

Warnings: Angst, Slight Pilot Torture, many OCs

Pairings: Many




Vacation (Gundam Wing)    *incomplete*

Summary: The G-Boys are on vacation. Duo gets bored and, with his sister Kayli, plans ways to keep everybody entertained.

Warnings: Fluff, OOCness here and there, slight goofiness.

Pairings: Many



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