Home Up Park Fleet List A-N Park Fleet List O-Y Park Fleet - Tankers

Park Fleet List O-Y

Unknown Park Ship

Photo courtesy of Maureen Venzi

10,000 t Dry Cargo Ships


NOTES:    MOWT-Ministry of War Transport;  

               CTL- Constructive Total Loss; 

               All name changes shown in italics.

               Short dates shown as DD.MM.YY


Outremont Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 28/09/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: McLean Kennedy Ltd., Montreal


1946: Brazilian Prince, Furness (Canada) Ltd. (Prince Line Ltd., London) 

1958: Federal Pioneer, Federal Commerce & Navigation Co. Ltd., Montreal


Parkdale Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 11/05/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Waikawa, Canadian Union Line Ltd. Managed by Canadian Australasian Line Ltd, Vancouver 

1959: Fulda, Marine Dev. & Supply S.A. Panama


Point Pleasant Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 08/11/43

Builder: Davie SB & Rep. Co. Ltd., Lauzon, QC
Nom. Manager: Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., Montreal

History: 23/02/45: Sunk by torpedo from U-510 commanded by Alfred Eick, in the Atlantic, North West of Capetown (position 29.42S/09.58E) whilst sailing independently on a voyage from St John New Brunswick to Cape Town and Durban via Trinidad with general cargo.  The Master, Captain Owen Owens and 19 crew landed at Mercury Island on 02/03/45 and taken by fishing boat to Luderitz, SW Africa.  Twenty-nine crew were rescued by SAN trawler AFRICANA north of Spencer Bay on 04/04/45 and were landed at Walvis Bay, SW Africa.  Nine crew were lost. 

See a photo and information of the memorial at Point Pleasant Park: http://www.mikecampbell.net/sspointpleasantpark.htm


Port Royal Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 02/10/42

Builder: Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, QC
Nom. Manager: Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal


Launched Fort Frontenac (I). 

1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager:Tavistock Shipping Co. (Noel Purvis) London

1950: Fernhurst, Rex Shipping Co. Ltd., Halifax, NS/Hadjilias & Co. London/connected with I.H. Mathers & Son, Halifax

1958: Navarra, Asturias Shipping Co. Panama/Hadjilias & Co. Ltd., London 

1963: Scrapped in Holland.


Portland Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 23/11/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: March Shipping Agency Ltd., Montreal


1946: Marchport, Canadian Shipowners Ltd./March Shipping Agency Ltd., Montreal with connections to Goulandris Bros., London

1949: Mont Clair, Montship Lines Ltd./Montreal Shipping Co. Ltd./controlled by Buries Markes Ltd., London/associated with Louis Dreyfus et Cie, Paris

1954: Maria Piera, G. Gestioni Esercizio Navi, Genoa

1960: Vittorio Veneto

1969: Scrapped Spezia, Italy.


Prince Albert Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 30/06/42

Builder: Davie SB & Rep. Co. Ltd., Lauzon, QC
Nom. Manager: Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal


Launched as Fort la Prairie (I). 

1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager: Tavistock Shipping Co. Ltd. (Noel Purvis) London

1951: Champlain, Champlain Freighters Ltd., Montreal/J.P. Hadoulios Ltd., London

26/06/55: Aground during typhoon, Yulan, Hainan Island (18.17N/109.33E). Total loss. 

06/56: Salvage abandoned.


Princeton Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 28/02/45

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd, Vancouver. Hull: Vancouver DD Co.
Nom. Manager: Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Minnewanka, Western Canada Steamships Ltd., Vancouver 

1954: Santiago, Cia. Nav. Madraki, SA Panama/S.G. Embiricos Ltd., London 

1960: Madrakisame, as above 

1969: Scrapped in Japan.


Queens Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 02/06/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver, BC


1946: Seaboard Queen, Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd. 

1950: Queen, Cia. Mar. del Este SA, Panama/Goulandris Bros (Hellas) Ltd. Piraeus

1960: Nimos

14/01/62: Collision and  sank in shallow water at Constantza. 

16/01/62: Refloated. 

1964: Mount Othrys,


Queensborough Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 25/11/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC


Transferred to MOWT whilst still in dockyard

1945: Fort Duquesne - Royal Navy store ship in the fleet train

1947: R.N. store ship.


Richmond Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 18/08/44

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co. Ltd.


1946: Lake Nipigon, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd. 

1949: Pontoporos, La Plata Cia. de Vapores SA, Panama/N.J. Pateras Sons Ltd., London 

1955:: Maria II

1950: Maria Lemos, C.M. Lemos interests, London


Rideau Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 14/08/43

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Manager Owner: Park Steamship Company, Ottawa
Nom. Manager: :Park Steamship Company, Ottawa


1950: Amersham Hill, Ottawa S.S. Co. Ltd. Halifax/Coulouthros Ltd., London/Clients of I.H. Mathers & Son Ltd. Halifax, NS

1962: Petalon

1965: Alcibiades.


Riverdale Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 16/09/43

Builder: Davie SB & Rep. Co. Ltd., Lauzon, QC
Nom. Manager: Furness, Withy & Co. Ltd., Montreal


1946: Tridale, Triton S.S. Co. Ltd./March Shipping Agency Ltd., Montreal/Gouldandris Bros. London

1957: Harrier, Bahia Salinas Cia. Nav. SA Panama/Goulandris Bros. Ltd. London 

1964: Java Steer.


Riverview Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 13/05/43

Builder: Davie SB & Rep. Co. Ltd., Lauzon, QC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd., Montreal


1946: Shelburne County, Acadia Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax/I.H. Mathers & Son Ltd./connected with Counties Ship Management Ltd., London

1954: Lily, Fotaleza Cia. Nav. SA, Panama/Rethymnis & Kulukundis Ltd., London 

1960: Ebro

1967: Scrapped Hong Kong.


Rocky Mountains Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 24/08/43

Builder: Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, QC
Nom. Manager: Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal


1950: Wynchwood Hill, Falaise S.S.Co. Ltd./Counties Ship Management Co. Ltd. London/Assoc. with I.H. Mathers & Son Ltd., Halifax

1959: Scrapped at Nagasaki, Japan.


Rondeau Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 27/04/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Montreal, Australian, New Zealand Line Ltd., Montreal


1950: Sycamore Hill, Halifax Overseas Freighters Ltd./Counties Ship Management Co. Ltd., London. Assoc. with I.H. Mathers & Son, Halifax

1966: Scrapped Hong Kong.


Rosedale Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 25/05/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd., Montreal


1950: Poplar Hill, Halifax Overseas Freighters Ltd./Counties Ship Management, London/Assoc. with I.H. Mathers & Son, Halifax

1960: Shien Foon,  

1968: Scrapped in Hong Kong.


Runnymede Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 08/06/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Montreal, Australia, New Zealand Line, Montreal (MANZ)


1951: Lake Michigan, Runnymeade S.S. Co. Ltd., Montreal/Ships Finance & Management Co. Assoc. with G. Nicolaou Ltd., London 

1957: Karaostasi, Marempressa Cia. Nav. SA. Liberia/Geo. Nicolaou Ltd., London 

1964: Adelphos Petrakis

1967:Scrapped at Niihama, Japan.


Rupert Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 09/05/45

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd., Vancouver
Nom. Manager: Empire Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Okanagan, Western Canada Steamships Ltd., Vancouver 

1949: Nueva Gloria, Cia. Farallon de Nav. SA. Panama/D.J. Fafalios, Chios, Greece


Salt Lake Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 07/06/44

Builder: Victoria Machinery Depot Co. Ltd., Victoria, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Wairuna, Canadian Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver

1960: Bonna.


Sapperton Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 07/01/44

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd, Vancouver. Hull: Vancouver DD Co.
Nom. Manager: Canadian Transport Co., Ltd., Vancouver


Launched as Fort Toulouse - Transfer to MOWT cancelled 

1946: Harmac Alberni, Canadian transport Co.Ltd.

1948: Royston Grange, Houlder Line Ltd./Furness Withy & Co. Ltd. UK 

1949: Yiannis, Rio Padro Cia. Nav SA, Panama/Goulandris Bros. (Hellas) Ltd., Piraeus 

1967: Scrapped in Japan.


Seacliff Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 17/10/44

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd, Vancouver. Hull: Vancouver DD Co.
Nom. Manager: Canadian Transport Co., Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Harmac Westminster, Canadian Transport Co., Ltd.

1949: Panaghia, Cia. de Nav. Sappho, SA, Panama/Constantine Hadjipateras & Sons, Athens, Greece 

1958: Bendita, Elocarriers, Inc. Monoravia/Liberia Seres Shipping Inc., New York

1966: Scrapped in Japan.


Selkirk Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 05/03/45

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Johnson Walton Steamships Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Tahsis, Johnson Walton Steamships Ltd./controlled by the Danish East Asiatic Co. of Copenhagen 

1950: Pelops, Cia Mar. Samsoc. Ltd., Panama/Hermes Steamship Agency Inc. San Francisco, Cal.

1959: Tai Nan

1964: Scrapped Taiwan.


Seven Oaks Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 13/07/45

Builder: Victoria Machinery Depot Co. Ltd., Victoria, BC
Nom. Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co., Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Seaside, Andros Shipping Co. Ltd., Montreal/Goulandris Bros., London

1952: Rubystar, Escobal Cia Nav. S.A. Liberia c/o Triton Shipping, New York/C.M. Lemos & Co. Ltd., London 

1956: Lagos Huron, Cia. Arm. San Francisco S.p.a. Panama/Salvatores & Racah SRL, Genoa 

26/06/60: Pounded against pier in typhoon and sank at Tabaco, Luzon Island. 

05/08/60: Partly raised. 

06/10/60: Further damage in typhoon. 

27/03/61: Raised but allowed to sink again due to impending third typhoon


Sibley Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 11/07/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Cunard White Star Ltd., Montreal


1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager:Cunard White Star Ltd., Liverpool

1950: Kenilworth, Waverley Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax/Fafalios Ltd., London/Clients of I.H. Mathers Ltd., Halifax

1956: Aeolos, Cia. Filiori de Nav. SA. Panama/D.J. Fafalios, Chios, Greece 

1961: Atolos

1964: Mojkovac, Yugoslavian owner 

1967: Scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia.


Simcoe Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 06/04/45

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Cunard White Star Ltd., Montreal


1948: Sunmount, Saguenay Terminals Ltd., Montreal

1960: Shun Fung

05/09/64: Aground during typhoon in Hong Kong. Back broken. Total loss.


Stanley Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 24/07/43

Builder: Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, QC
Nom. Manager Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal


Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager: Dalhousie Steam & Motorship Co. Ltd. (Nomikos & Co.) London

1948: Haligonian Duchess, Acadia Overseas Freighters (Halifax) Ltd./Rethymnis & Kulukundis Ltd. London. Clients of I.H. Mathers & Son, Halifax

1950: Malden Hill, Acadia Overseas Freighters Ltd. under Counties Ship Management group, London 

1964: Newmoor, Trafalgar S.S. Co. Ltd./Tsavliris (Shipping) Ltd., London

1969: Scrapped at Spezia, Italy.


Strathcona Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 08/09/43

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd., Vancouver
Nom. Manager: Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., Montreal


1946: Cabano, Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal 

1960: Happy Voyager,  

1964: Hitaka.


Sunalta Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 01/09/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Montreal Shipping Co. Ltd., Montreal


1946: Mount Alta, Montship Lines Ltd., Montreal/Associated with Buries Markes Ltd., London

1955: Georgian Flame, Cia. Gloriana de Nav. SA Liberia/Pateras Shipbrokers Ltd., London 

1962: Bonifacio

1963: President Laurel

1968: Scrapped at Hirao, Japan.


Sunnyside Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 20/04/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian-Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Waitomo, Canadian-Australasian Line Ltd. 

1963: Blue Shark

1967: Scrapped in Taiwan.


Tecumseh Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 23/10/43

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Transport Co. Ltd., Vancouver


Launched as Fort Igance (I).  Transfer to MOWT cancelled. 

1947: Argovan, Lunham & Moore (Canada) Ltd., Montreal 

1959: Cardamilitis, Strovili Cia. Nav. SA, Panama/A Lusi Ltd., London 

1967: Scrapped in China.


Temagami Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 15/02/44

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Anglo-Canafian Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Pennask, Western Canada Steamships Ltd., Vancouver

1954: Cygnet, Bahia Salinas Cia. Nav. SA, Liberia/Goulandris Bros. Ltd., London 

1958: Cresta, Villaviosa Cia Nav. SA Panama/Ormos Shipping Co. Ltd., London

1970: Scrapped in China.


Tipperary Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 28/02/44

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd, Vancouver. Hull: Vancouver DD Co.
Nom. Manager: Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Shawnigan, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd., Vancouver 

1950: Table Bay, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd./Managed by Lyle Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow 

1957: Rumija, Yugoslav Ocean Lines, Kotor, Yugoslavia


Tobiatic Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 01/09/44

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd., Vancouver
Nom. Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Seaboard Trader, Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd.,  

1954: Trader, Bahia Salinas Cia. Nav. SA, Panama/Goulandris Bros. Ltd., London

1966: Transferred to Taiwan. 

1967: Scrapped in Japan.


Tuxedo Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 19/07/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Empire Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Angusdale, Lunham & Moore (Canada) Ltd., Montreal

1948: Point Aconi, Navitrans Corp. Panama/Mgr. Piero Ravano, Genoa 

1965: Phopho Xila. 

1968: Scrapped in Hong Kong.


Tweedsmuir Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 12/05/43

Builder: Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, QC
Nom. Manager: McLean Kennedy Ltd., Montreal


1950: Bedford Queen, Bedford Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax/P.D. Marchessini & Co. Ltd., London.  Clients of I.H. Mathers & Son Ltd., Halifax, NS

1955: Lord Tweedsmuir, Glenrock Shipping Co. Ltd., Montreal/J.P. Hadoulis Ltd., London 

1961: Scrapped Kinoe, Japan.


Wascana Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 28/08/43

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd, Vancouver. Hull: Vancouver DD Co.
Nom. Manager: North Pacific Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Cargill, Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Montreal 

1960: Marine Navigator 

1962: Marine Ace 

1966: Scrapped in Japan.


Waverley Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 09/03/45

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Constantine Lines (Canada) Ltd., Montreal


1946: Dingwall, Dingwall Shipping Co. Ltd., Halifax/Quebec S.S. Lines.  Montreal and National Gypsum Co., Buffallo, NY

1955: Rayo, Comp de Nav Gaviota, SA, Panama and Lugano, Switzerland 

1960: Maripindo

1969: Scrapped in Italy.


Wellington Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 02/11/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Cunard White Star Ltd., Montreal


1948: Sunwhit, Saguenay Terminals Ltd., Montreal

1960: Ceres

1970: Scrapped at Osaka, Japan.


Westbank Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 09/03/44

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver

History: 07/10/45: Ashore. Wrecked at Magdalena Bay, California.


Westend Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 20/07/44

Builder: Burrard DD Co. Ltd., Vancouver
Nom. Manager: North Pacific Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1947: Triberg, Triton S.S. Co. Ltd., Montreal/Connected with Goulandris Bros., London 

1954: Sevilla, Nueva Sevilla, Cia Nav. SA, Panama/N.J. Goulandris Ltd., London

1960: Naxos

1962: Stevo

1971: Scrapped in Yugoslavia.


Westmount Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 18/09/43

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., Montreal


1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager: Andrew Crawford & Co. Ltd., Glasgow

1950: Nordicstar, Fairview Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax/C.M. Lemos & Co. Ltd./Clients of I.H. Mathers & Son Ltd., Halifax 

27/12/56 Disappeared at sea.  Last reported 44N 38W (approx) West of Ushant. 

23/01/57: Posted missing.


Weston Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 03/10/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: North Pacific Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Sicamous., Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd., Vancouver

1953: Archipelago, Panedo Cia. Nav. SA. Panama/John C Hadjipateras & Sons Ltd., London 

1960: Silver Valley, Silver Star Shipping Corp. Liberia

15/03/63: Aground on River Douro Bar, Off Portugal. 

16/03/63: Broke in two. Total loss.


Westview Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 20/10/44

Builder: Prince Rupert DD & SY, Prince Rupert, BC
Nom Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver, BC


Launched as Fort Beaver Lake. Transfer to MOWT not completed

1946: Seaboard Enterprise, Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver

1957: Doric, Doric S.S. Corp., Liberia/Ormos Shipping Co. Ltd., London 

1964: Patagonia 

1965: Mary F

1969: Scrapped in China


Whiterock Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 11/10/44

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Johnson Walton Steamships Ltd., Vancouver


Launched as Fort Daer. Transfer to MOWT not completed.

1946: Tantara, Johnson Walton Steamships Ltd., Vancouver

1951: Pelopidas, Cia. Mar. Samsoc Ltd.a. Panama/Hermes S.S. Agency, San Francisco

1956: African Count, West African Nav. Co., Liberia

1963: Scrapped in Japan.


Whiteshell Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 14/04/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd., Montreal


Launched as Fort Beauharnois (I). Transfer to MOWT not completed.

1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager: (DOC) Novocastria Shipping Co. Ltd. Stott Mann & Fleming Ltd., Newcastle

1950: Fir Hill, Halifax Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax (Counties Ship Management Co., London)

1964: Universal Trader

1968: Scrapped at Hirao, Japan.


Windermere Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 12/11/43

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom Manager Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co. Ltd., Vancouver


Launched as Fort Miami (I).   Transfer to MOWT not completed.

1946: Lake Sumas, Western Canada Steamship  Co. Ltd., Vancouver 

1949: Katherine 

1961: Nagos


Winnipegosis Park

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 26/11/43

Builder: Prince Rupert DD & SY, Prince Rupert, BC
Nom. Manager: Seaboard Shipping Co. Ltd.


Launched as Fort Aspin (I). Transfer to MOWT not completed.

1947: Bayside, Andros Shipping Co. Ltd., Montreal/Ass. Goulandris Bros., London 

1949: Aghia Anastasia, Guardia Cia. Nav. SA, Panama 

22/06/50: Ashore off Drew Bank, West Tobago (11.03N/60.55W). 

24/06/50: Refloated. 

25/06/50: Sank 11.04N/60.56W.  Total Loss.


Winona Park

Type: Canadian

Delivery Date: 23/12/44

Builder: West Coast Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Canada Shipping So. Ltd., Vancouver


1946: Lake Tatla, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd., Vancouver 

1950: Walvis Bay, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd./Sir R Ropner & Co. Management Ltd., Darlington, Yorkshire, UK 

1957: Andros Halcynon, Andros Shipping & Trading Co./Goulandris interest, Greece

1957: M.A.S. Primo, Maritima Anon, Siciliana, Palermo/Mgr. Pasquale Mazzella, Naples, Italy

1959: Kirlangiclar, Kirlangiclar Silepoilik, Istanbul

1973: Scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Withrow Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 25/07/44

Builder: United Shipyards Ltd, Montreal, QC
Nom. Manager: McLean Kennedy Ltd., Montreal


1946: Transferred to MOWT - Nominated Manager: (DOC) South American Saint Line, Cardiff

1950: Kingsbridge, Kingsbridge Shipping Co. Ltd./ Goulandris Bros., London

1960: Scrapped in Hong Kong.


Yamaska Park

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 31/07/44

Builder: Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, QC
Nom. Manager: Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., Montreal


1946: Transferred to MOWT; Nom. Manager: Novocastria Shipping Co./Stott, Mann & Fleming Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne

1951: Yamaska, Yamaska S.S. Co. Ltd., Montreal/Ships Finance & Management Co. Ltd. Ass. with G. Nicolaou Ltd., both of London

1959: Gunn, Republic of China


Yoho Park (I)

Type: North Sands

Delivery Date: 22/07/43

Builder: Victoria Machinery Depot Co. Ltd., Victoria, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver


7/44: Fort Highfield (I)

1951: Darfield, Windsor Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax, NS/Nomikos (London) Ltd. managers

02/03/44: Aground during fog off Flat Rock Point, 10 miles north of Los Angeles. 

02/03/54: Refloated and towed to Los Angeles. Constructive total loss and scrapped at Terminal Island, California.

NOTE: In a simultaneous switch of names, Yoho Park (I) became Fort Highfield (I) and Fort Highfield (II) became Yoho Park (II).


Yoho Park (II)

Type: Victory

Delivery Date: 22/07/44

Builder: North Van Ship Repairs Ltd., North Vancouver, BC
Nom. Manager: Canadian-Australasian Line Ltd., Vancouver


Launched as Fort Highfield (II). 

1946: Lake Winnipeg, Western Canada Steamship Co. Ltd., Vancouver, BC

1953: Americana, Altos Mares Cia. Nav. SA, Panama/A. Lusi Ltd., London

Send mail to Angela DeRoy-Jones with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 27, 2004

Copyright notice: Please note that the photographic copyright belongs to that of the original owners.   
