
Name:Querl Dox


Weight:160 lbs.

Eyes: Green

Hair: Blond

Home Planet: Colu (or Yod)

Heritage: Coluian

Superpowers:12th level intelligence

Source of Powers: Coluian heritage, but a genius even by
Colu's standards

Querl Dox of Colu, with 12th level intelligence. He's brilliant even by Colu's standards. Descendant of Vril Dox who created L.E.G.I.O.N. Brainy has invented the Degravitized Valorium used in Flight Rings, the personal Force Field, reinvented the anti lead serum for Daxamites, and built the time platform. Querl was arrested for illegal Time Travel, but negotiated his release from then UP President Chu for actions during the first Fatal Five battle. Querl is the natural son of the Brainiac 4 of Colu who disappeared after his birth never to be seen again. Querl was too young too remember her face and his greatest desire is to see the face of his mother. To this end he has developed Time Travel


Membership Highlights:

Brainiac 5 is the direct descendant of Vril Dox (Brainiac 2), the adopted son of the original Brainiac, Superman's android nemesis from the 20th century. After the 10th level effector computers that revolted against their human creators and took control of Colu, Vril raised his own intellect to the 12th level effector (whereas the normal human mind is at the 6th level) and overthrew Brainiac. Vril's fantastic intellect was passed on to his son, Pran, his son, Kajz, and finally to his son, Querl, aka Brainiac 5. But it was not Brainiac 5's computer mind alone that got him into the Legion ranks, but rather is courage and compassion when he gave Supergirl his force shield belt (the secret of which he re-discovered) to protect her from a kryptonite meteorite, though it meant certain death to himself (Act276). Besides projecting an impervious force shield, the belt device also breaks down exhaled carbon dioxide, and liberates more oxygen for Brainy to breathe while in the field.

Querl Dox had the unfortunate reality of being abandoned by his mother, Brainiac 4, on the day of his birth. He was soon given over to scientific authorities where his enhanced intellect of the Brainiac line was encouraged to flourish, neglecting proper emotional and spiritual upbringing. His 12th level intelligence, which is twice the universal average, enables him to sustain twelve simultaneous tracks of thought if not distracted.


Career Highlights:

Brainiac 5 has played an important role in the Legion's history. In 2962, he added the vital, missing ingredient of Kryptonite to Saturn Girl's XY-4 serum, enabling Mon-El to emerge from the Phantom Zone for good (Adv305). Then, building on Mon-El's anti-gravity "Element 152", Brainiac 5 invented the Legion Flight Ring, which replaced the flying belt of the previous years (Adv329). In 2965, while working for the Earth government, Brainiac 5 invented one of the worst blunders of his career ... Computo! The conquering robot was finally destroyed by Brainy, but not before it had killed dozens of people, including one of Triplicate Girl's bodies (Adv340). Soon afterwards, Brainiac (quite unfairly) prosecuted and expelled Star Boy for the killing a criminal in self-defense (Adv342). Brainiac 5 has served as the Legion's leader for the 2965-66 term, and more recently as a Deputy leader under Mon-El's 2972-74 term.


Personal Data:

Querl is more adaptive than intelligent, lacking the creativity to produce original invention. This is demonstrated in his ability to take other inventions and perfect upon them, as mentioned above. Emotionally, Querl is the least mature Legionnaire, as evidenced by his child-like crush on Supergirl. "Please stay, and be my girl", he once pleaded of the blonde heroine (Act276), but he soon became a willing victim of the fickle and Maid of Might, who quickly neglected him as she did all her boyfriends. Brainy once unconsciously built an android replica of Supergirl in his sleep, and ran away with it believing it was the real Girl of Steel, proving that he is indeed tightly wrapped around her super finger (SB204). The normally quiescent Querl is prone sudden mood swings of crankiness and has even thrown tantrums (Adv340). Querl's interests extend to the musical. For his 22nd birthday he was given a Lumna-Organ, which he learned to play in a few minutes (Adv378). His closest friends in the Legion are Superboy and Invisible Kid (to whom he has willed his force shield belt to - Adv378). Querl was orphaned at a young age (Adv356).



Famous Natives: Brainiac (20th century villain: a robot in "pre Crisis" reality, Vril Dox I in later realities); Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox, descendant of Vril Dox II); Mr. Starr/ Pulsar Stargrave (artificial humanoid form for the Computer Tyrants of Colu); Vril Dox II (founder of L.E.G.I.O.N., son of Brainiac, father of Lyrl Dox, except for "pre-Crisis" reality).

Native Abilities: High intelligence.

History: Colu is one of the rim worlds, located about 20,000 light years from Earth, out on the approach to the Magellanic Clouds. It is the fourth planet from its sun and its surface is almost exactly 50% land-50% sea. The planet has six moons. Colu is the leading technological world in the United Planets.

Misc.: It is a custom, for those celebrating birthday's, to be toasted with ivory chalices full of Kono juice.



The Coluans are not only the most advanced humanoid intellects known but also the longest living mortals in the galaxy, with average life spans of 600 years. Two millennia ago, the planet was taken over by a world-wide computer network which, because of their malevolent nature, became known as the Computer Tyrants of Colu. By the late 20th century, the planet's people were like helpless children, brainwashed for obedience at birth. One exception was the evil scientist Vril Dox, who served the Tyrants willingly. Vril Dox had a son of the same name who was accelerated to adulthood, however he did not share the views of his traitorous father. Eventually, the Tyrants grew nervous and ridded themselves of the elder Vril Dox. The mind of the elder Dox survived and took over a Terran's body, becoming the villainous Brainiac. The younger Dox was handed over to an Alien Alliance. After escaping from the Alliance, Vril Dox II formed L.E.G.I.O.N., an interstellar police force, and freed Colu from the Tyrants' rule. The Tyrants transferred their collective minds into a humanoid form and adopted the name Mr. Starr. The Tyrants would resurface a thousand years later as Pulsar Stargrave. In the late 30th century, Querl Dox, a direct descendant of both Vril Doxes, joined the Legion of Super Heroes under the name Brainiac 5. Like others in his family line, Querl has a 12th level intelligence.



Young Love: When Brainiac 5 first laid eyes on the Girl of Steel through a monitor screen focused on the 20th century, the green-skinned boy from the future was so taken with her beauty and abilities that he initiated a quest to get to know her better. To that end Brainiac 5 invented the Time Bubble, the device that the Legion of Super-Heroes used to travel backwards in time to invite their inspirations, Superboy and Supergirl, to join their superhero club. Upon their first meeting, Supergirl was a bit apprehensive about trusting a descendant of the evil Brainiac, since she was so familiar with that criminal's activities. But Brainiac 5 proved his worth to her when he lent her a force field belt. Seconds later, a large Green Kryptonite meteor came into view, hurtling towards Earth to crush the clubhouse and its inhabitants in its wake. Supergirl realized that the force field belt prevented the harmful radiations from affecting her, so she could fly upwards and destroy the Green K meteor easily, also saving Brainiac Five's life in the process. And with those deeds, Brainiac 5 and Supergirl were inducted into the Legion at the same time.

In time the friendship between the future lad from Colu and the Girl of Steel grew stronger, and became a budding romance. But time also eroded the relationship whenever Kara Zor-El returned to the 20th century of her birth. There came to be extended periods that Supergirl would not visit the Legion clubhouse, prompting Brainiac Five to long for her ever more deeply. One time, Brainiac 5 became so obsessed with missing Supergirl that he subconsciously created a Supergirl android to keep him company (until the real Supergirl came along and straightened him out). Other times Brainy would behave irrationally around the Girl of Steel, which ran contrary to his usual methodically cerebral nature.

It was his thoughtfulness in both invention and caring that first drew Supergirl towards Brainiac Five. But Kara Zor-El also knew that she was needed at home, and needing to be with friends and family at home. Even though Kara enjoyed Brainy's companionship when she participated in Legion of Super-Heroes adventures, ultimately it still didn't equal her life in her own time. So eventually Supergirl made more infrequent visits to the 30th century, and changed her Legion status from active to reserve membership. Kara began to treat her Legion visits as a more carefree escape from her doings at home, a way to perhaps recapture some of the lost innocence of her past. But when her rash actions during an investigation into the Dark Circle ended with the death of Ontiir, the counter-spy who both aided and opposed the Legion on separate occasions, Supergirl saw the results as a reflection of her poor judgement. As is typical with Supergirl when a situation she is involved with goes awry, she put the blame of this outcome upon herself. And she took it as a sign that she must go, to prevent any future mishaps.

Kara Zor-El's departure from the Legion was awkward to say the least, as Brainiac 5 attempted to make her stay. But Supergirl wouldn't even let Brainy speak to change her mind. For although Brainiac 5 had continued his obsession for Supergirl, Supergirl had never returned the affection in kind. She had other beaus to consider at home; Brainiac Five wasn't the only one she'd fallen in and out of love with. And since the fun had been drained out of her Legion experience due to this incident, even Supergirl's affection for Brainy was very little reason to stay. Supergirl felt that she didn't belong in the Legion anymore.

But though Supergirl knew she wasn't coming back, she couldn't even bear to look at Brainy to tell him what she knew in her heart. She said it with her back to him. She knew he wouldn't take it well, for Supergirl knew that Brainiac 5 loved her more than she could ever return. So she didn't say goodbye in a straight-forward fashion; instead, Supergirl said as she departed, "I'll see you 'round...SOMETIME." A white lie, after a fashion, but a convenient way for her to end the relationship that she controlled from the beginning. And so with those words Kara Zor-El departed the 30th century, never to return.


Brainiac 5's inventions:

Anti Lead Serum: Invented by Brainiac 5, this serum protects Mon-El from the effects of lead poisoning for 48 hours. It also allows Mon-El to keep his super-powers even under the effects of a red sun. The serum contains the rare element Fluvium found in a distant galaxy, and is actually based upon Saturn Girl's previous XY-4 serum except that it contains the vital ingredient Kryptonite (Adv305).

Cancellite: A spray invented by Supergirl to freeze any shape changer in whatever form they are imitating (Adv326). The formula was later modified by Brainiac 5 for returning the shape changer back to his true form and temporarily robbing them of their powers (Adv334).

Character Analysis Monitor: This device, created by Brainiac 5 in 2964, can focus on suspects without their knowledge and reveals if their psyche is good or evil (Adv320).

Gem Scanner: Invented by Brainiac 5, this portable device can locate any type of gem (SB16).

Hypno-beamer: A device invented by Brainiac 5 that hypnotizes a person (SB214)

Potential Factors Re-organizer Complex: This complex mechanism used to lessen criminal potential was invented by Brainiac 5, and does not always succeed (Adv325).
Element No. 152: Created by Mon-El in the guise of Marvel Lad, when he fused Gold (79), Silver (47), and Iron (26). Later used by Brainiac 5 in the development of the Legion Flight Ring (Adv305).

Flight Ring: Created by Brainiac 5 in 2965 (Adv329), using the anti-gravity Element 152 created by Mon-El (as Marvel Lad; Adv305). These willpower rings have become a symbol of Legion membership. They only work when the user is conscious, so the person will fall if rendered unconscious (Adv343). They also have a built in signal emitter for emergencies (Adv357).


Brainiac 5 Timeline:

Jan 23 2959: Querl Dox (Brainiac 5), the descendant of the legendary Vril Dox, is born on the planet Colu. He inherits his ancestor's brilliant 12th-level "computer mind." Note: Brainy's home planet was sometimes called Yod, which later was described as the Coluan term for their world.

Jun 15 2973: The Legionnaires decide that is fairer to allow two new members per year - one male and one female. Accordingly, the female Legionnaires decide to revisit Supergirl in Jun 1961 to see if the effects of the Red-K had worn off. When they see that Supergirl is once again a teenager, they bring her into the future for re-application. Competing with applicants Shrinking Violet (age13), Bouncing Boy (age13), Sun Boy (age13), it is Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Danvers, aka (10) Supergirl (age16), and Querl Dox of Colu, aka (11) Brainiac 5 (age14), that are inducted this year. Act276 - "Supergirl's Three Super Girl Friends" (05/61) *** JS-JM

Jun 2965 - Jun 2966: Leader: Brainiac 5 / Deputy: Superboy

Jun 2965: Brainiac 5 is elected Leader.

Dec 2965: Brainiac 5 invents a robot that tries to enslave humanity, and Triplicate Girl loses one of her selves to the machine and becomes Duo Damsel (age18). Comments: Computo restores Bouncing Boy's power for what he says will be 30 minutes, but actually is only 10 minutes! (Super-plastic fluid never lasts as long as it should!) Adv340 - "Computo the Conqueror" (01/66) / Adv341 - "The Weirdo Legionnaire" (02/66) **** JS-CS-GK-SM

Jan 2968: As the Legion builds their new, huge HQ, the Dark Circle attacks the UP! Only a miracle can save them! And one does, thanks to Brainiac 5 and the Controllers' Miracle Machine, which turns thoughts into reality! Adv367 - "No Escape From the Circle of Death" (04/68) **** JSh-CS-GK

Oct. 2971 - Oct. 2972: Leader: Ultra Boy / Deputy: Brainiac 5

Oct. 2972 - Jun 2974: Leader: Mon-El / Deputy: Brainiac 5

Aug. 2974: Star Boy and Brainiac 5 go to Recreation Asteroid-7 for some fun and relaxation. When Supergirl arrives to express her love for Brainy, he quits the team only to later find out that it is an android replica of the Girl of Steel that he is running off with. SB204 - "Brainiac 5's Secret Weakness" (10/74) **** CB-MG

Sep 2974: The clones of Ferro Lad and Invisible Kid pay a visit to Superboy

Nov. 2975: When Shrinking Violet's fear of being stepped on gives her nightmares and makes her afraid to use her power, Brainiac 5 kidnaps her and takes her to a planet that might cure her of her fear. SB214 - "Stay Small or Die" (01/76) ** CB-MG

2986-2992:The 6 years after Crisis.


First Appearances

Pre Boot: Action Comics #276.

Post Boot: Legion of Super Heroes #0