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Quick Info:

PRO-T76 began writing and performing in 94 with a line-up consisting of Philip Weaver, Nathan Provenico and at the time Chris Aries from Lexington (TN). This version of the band recorded and produced Go-Faster before Aries left for college. PRO- T76 quit playing for a while during this time. Eli, Nathan's brother began fiddling with a bass and formed a band entitled the Jefferson's. The Jefferson's found themselves drum-less and Eli asked his brother to join them. All the while through the Jeffersons days Philip and Nathan continued writing for their hopefully upcoming new album, under the name of PRO-T76. Soon after only a few show the Jefferson's began to argue and they quickly disbanded. In fall of 98, Nathan and Philip decided they had to make the band work so they called on Josh Cromwell to play another guitar part for "Return To Center Star." After the album was finished and a few out of state gigs fell into their hands . Cromwell eventually grew tired with the band and left so once again it was just Nathan and Philip. Eli was hanging around one day while Philip and Nathan was working on a few written songs and liked what he heard so they invited him to join them . All it took was one song to let them all know they found THE REAL BAND.

"Spark of the Century" was their next focus but before it was finished a radio station out of Henderson (TN) 91.5 booked an on the air show featuring PRO-T76. 91.5 is famous in the local area for their punk.emo show after 8 pm every night. After the show people from everywhere began calling for them to play, whether is was parties or at a club venue. The host of the radio show was Brennan Hughes, the band stayed in touch with Hughes and later on he recorded their album "Forward Moments." Forward moments features their favorite's from the other albums they recorded.