Common Name

Goliath Frog

Scientific Name

Conraua goliath

Goliath Frog

The shy and elusive goliath frog, Conraua goliath, family Ranidae, is the largest known frog. It reaches a body length of 30.5 cm (12 in) and overall length from nose to toe of about 91 cm (3 ft); specimens in excess of 3.2 kg (7 lb) have been collected. Goliath frogs inhabit cascading mountain streams in a restricted range in west central Africa (Mbini and Cameroon). They are prized as food by the Bayele, a tribe of pygmies, who also value their thigh bones for their presumed power to bring good luck. Formerly much sought after by zoological parks, the goliath frog is now protected by law.