From the Floating Log at Frogmorton

Gil-Galad was an elven king 
Generous in word and deed. 
I never understood those Quenya words he spoke 
But I helped him smoke his weed. 
Joy to the world, 
All the elves and Ents 
Joy to the hobbits in the deep green grass, 
Joy to Gandalf's ass.* 
You know I love the elveses, 
I love the songs they sing. 
I love them lembas and I love them mallorns 
But I mostly love my Ring.** 
Joy to the world, 
All the elves and ents 
Joy to the hobbits in the deep green grass, 
Joy to Gandalf's ass. 
If I was 
Lord of the Mark 
Tell you what I'd do, 
I'd tell Gondor and Mordor 
To go away 
And make me some Orc stew. 
Joy to the world, 
All the elves and Ents 
Joy to the hobbits in the deep green grass, 
Joy to Gandalf's ass. 
Gil-Galad was an elven king 
Generous in word and deed. 
I never understood those Quenya words he spoke 
But he always had some might fine weed. 
Joy to the world, 
All the elves and Ents 
Joy to the hobbits in the deep green grass, 
Joy to Gandalf's ass. 
** Hey! he *did* have one, back in the very beginning of FotR (the movie), pulling his wagon! 
*From Gollum's POV it would have to be: 
You know we hates the elveses 
We hates to hear them sing 
We hates lembas and we hates mallorns 
But we loves our Precious ring.

-- Dulcinea Ludicross