Silent Spring: Rachel Carson moves toward Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange
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Annotated Bibliography
On the Edge

On the Edge: Ecology is Hep
        PBS has created a cartoon based on Rachel Carson's environmental efforts. It gives you a nice overview of Silent Spring in a fun, easy to read, colorful cartoon. You wont want to miss this site so click below.
Think Tank Transcripts: The State of Earth
            Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg airs weekly on PBS. This show provides perspective on the latest issues. In this particular broadcast Wattenberg and his fellow companions discuss the state of our environment and the things environmentalists do to educate the people. This site is pretty lengthy, but if you are willing to take the time to go through it, its a good read.
Wildlife and Pollution
         This site shows a series of pollutants and waste materials that threaten our environment. It is made to educate people on what is happening so that it can be prevented. For examples of what pollution can do to animals and for some pictures to actually see it, please visit this site. It might be disturbing because it shows real life incidences threatning our environment.
Rachel Carson Trail
        I was suprised to find this site on the internet. There is a Rachel Carson day-hiking trail. It is located in Pennsylvania in Allegheny County. The trail is described as terranious and steep at times, but rewarding with the scenery. Take a look at the site if you live in the area or are visiting.
click here for an audio clip describing the trail and Rachel Carson
Frontline: Fooling with Nature
        This site talks about the reaction to Silent Spring and the criticism that Carson encountered. It also reveals how chemical pollution will survive many years because of ignorance. This site provides a link to a timeline of environmental issues since 1923 to 1998. If you want to see the history of man-made chemicals and the series of laws and organizations determined to bring them down, take a look at this site.
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring: Environmentalist Mythology Killing Us Softly
              Steven Brockerman, writer for Capitalism Magazine, reveals a negative aspect of environmentalists. The mentality of his article is best summed up when he states: "One would have to conclude, given the facts, that environmentalists are either insane or intent upon eradicating every human being from the face of the planet". Brockerman exposes the suppposedly exaggerated, sometimes innacurate claims in Silent Spring. This article is a great contrast to the viewpoints of other links that I have provided.

Farmers spray DDT
Bald Eagle