Silent Spring: Rachel Carson moves toward Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange
Process Paper


Cool Links
Process Paper
Annotated Bibliography

              Rarely do books change the views of society, but sometimes words are so powerful that they can not go unnoticed. This is the case for Rachel Carson's opinionated novel, Silent Spring. In this novel, Carson reveals her shocking and ominous foretelling of nature's future, threatened by the deadly consequences from the use of pesticides in our environment. Carson explains how farmers are beginning to use powerful pesticides to prevent their crops from being ruined by insects. Little do the farmers know that pesticides do not only kill the harmful insects, but the helpful ones as well. Carson's insightful outlook on the dangers of pesticides gained the attention of readers throughout America. Silent Spring initiated what was the beginning of the environmental movement. I was so thankful that this topic was given as one of the ideas for this year's theme. Personally, I love animals and am concerned in the environment and all its problems. So when I came across Rachel Carson, a strong environmentalist, I felt that this topic would be best suitable for my interests.

            My method of presentation is a website. I think that my abilities would be best suitable for a website. Another reason is that my sister is familiar with the website creating process, so she could advise me with the technical applications. I also like the idea that millions have the ability to access my internet site and learn about Rachel Carson and her environmental efforts. In a way I can help people learn about our environment and its situation.

            I conducted my research through local libraries, internet sources, and by buying Silent Spring at a local bookstore.  When I chose my topic I called my library to see if they contained any books relating to Rachel Carson or Silent Spring. After obtaining these sources, I spent a lot of my time searching the internet, which has provided me with numerous sources. My most important action was buying Silent Spring at a local bookstore. I also felt that I should ask my sister about what internet server I should use for posting my site. That is when I found out about Tripod.

            I started building my website at the beginning of the school year using Tripod. My annotated bibliography includes seven primary sources and twenty two secondary sources. My process paper was completed upon its due date.

            Carson's Silent Spring resulted in a new class of people environmentally conscious about the harmful affects of our own creations. Rachel Carson explored the environment and encountered a new creation (the pesticide DDT) that threatened all of nature. In order to prevent the spread of DDT she began to exchange her ideas with the American population through her writing. In this exchange of ideas, people became aware of their obligation in protecting the environment as well as the ethics behind using synthesized chemicals for the good of the people.