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Frugal Living

I hope you find, some useful tips & tricks here.  Most of the information here is from posts on the Frugal Living message board, ivillage.com & The Frugal Living Forum, Network54.com.  Stop by and say "hello"

To print without using your colored ink, copy & paste
the recipe or tip to your WORD program or note pad.
Check to see if your printer is set for ink saver,
 if you  have that option. 
 Print recipes with a little bigger font and put them
in a three ringbinder, with plastic page protectors over them. 
 This way they are wipeable.   scotch tape them to
my cabinet at eye level when  cooking.
 Use one of those  wooden pant hangers and hang it on
 a knob or hook above  your workspace.
They make a great gift ideas for people just starting
out on their own.

Last updated on 1/10/2004, 9:36:57 PM

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