java nadsat translator 1.1
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for any of you who don't know, nadsat talk is a type of slang teen brits used to use. it's a combination of schoolboy talk and russian and english. is has been made famous in the novel A Clockwork Orange, by anthony burgess, and the film (taken from the book) Clockwork Orange, directed by stanley kubrick.there are many nadsat resources on the web; some of the best i have seen are this one and this one. the current dictionary can be found here. if you have any words to add, please contact me at the email address found at the bottom of this page. please accept my appy polly loggy for the slackness of this page, i just wanted to put my translator up so people who care can use it. i am always working on my web pages.
here's how it works:
to translate to Nadsat, type a sentence in the English sentence field and hit the Translate button. the result will appear underneath. if you need an example, hit the button without typing anything in. soon i hope to release a version which will support translation both ways.
from the technical side... if you don't know (or care) about Java or html, you probably will not be interested in this..
if you find any errors, or you just want to give me some feedback, new words, or suggestions, please
>email me
other nadsat translation programs
NADSAT, a nifty little DOS program that uses text files as input and output, by vellocet
nadsat translator, which gives the english definition of a nadsat word (and a whole lot more), by chepooka
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times since january 23, 1999.