A not-for-profit organization
dedicated to the playing, promotion, and preservation
of acoustic music

Please join our new Internet Group on
To join our Yahoo! Group, click here!
We'll keep you informed of news updates, exciting events, and
other musical things!
Also, you will be able to view and post messages, files and other
exciting stuff.
The group is moderated to prevent spam and other misuse.
You can also contact us or join our Email
We no longer use an email list for announcements,
because of limitations imposed by our email provider (Yahoo!) to prevent spam.
Nevertheless, we continue to maintain an email list as backup.
To contact us or enter your email into our backup list,
click here to let us know, entering the word "SUBSCRIBE FCMS" in the subject
But please note that joining the Yahoo Group is preferred as of January 1, 2006.

Click here to hear the Carter Family
singing "Can The Circle be Unbroken"

(Jump to article by clicking on it.)

See directions for meeting place
(Alvernia College New Student Center)
Click for directions to ALVERNIA
Tuesday of the month, Beginning at 6:30 PM
Entertainment: You!
Bring food, instruments, and
songs too
Deadline for articles is the
first of the month! Floppy disks appreciated - most DOS/Win WP formats OK.

The Resonator is a publication of The Full Circle Music Society.
purpose is to inform members of our activities and those of other acoustic
performers and organizations.
Bill B, President
Marie G, V. President
Paul P, Secretary
Dan V, Treasurer
Don P, Communications Director
Bill B, Performances
[Vacant], Membership
[Vacant], Publicity
[Vacant], Little Circle
Don P, Newsletter

Re: the monthly jam and board meeting.
Just for the record, they’re always the second and fourth Tuesdays of the
month (unless otherwise correctly noted - but how would you know?)

Other Stuff

Our policy is to not include schedules except for special
events deemed of general interest to our readers. Attention all
performers and Acoustic music groups. We will no longer publish
schedules except for special local events. Instead, we will list
Acoustic music performers, contact information, where to find
schedules, etc. Performers may submit their own copy to the editor
via our post office box or e-mail dpott@ptd.net. We reserve the
right to limit space. Allow sufficient time for editing. This is
intended to give artists more comparable exposure. Commercial Ads
will also be accepted for annual publication - 1/8 page or
multiples thereof. Call for rates and details if interested.
This is a listing of festivals and performances in our area that have been
brought to our attention. Additions are welcome.
Horst Auction Center
located on Rt 322 at Durlach Road,
west of Ephrata

Gulch Folk Festival
usually in late May
475 Lynch Rd
New Holland

Annual Gettysburg Bluegrass Festival
Usually in late May
Granite Hill Campground
6 Mi SW of Gettysburg on Rt 116

Acoustic Music Mini Fest
Berks County Heritage Center
Off Route 183 near 222
Usually in mid-June

College with Simple Gifts,
at Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA June 16-18, 2006 For more
information, contact Huntingdon County Arts Council, e-mail: hcac@adelphia.net
Phone: (814) 643-6220

The Lebanon Valley Bluegrass Festival
Usually in mid-July
at the Reinholds Fire Company Carnival
in Reinhold, PA., along PA Route 897

Father Folk Festival
Usually in late July

New Holland Fiddlers Picnic
Usually in early September

Lyons Fall Fiddle Fest
Usually in mid-September

Chester County Old Fiddlers Picnic
(Hibernia Park)
Usually in mid-September

Furnace Folk Gathering,
at Greenwood Furnace State Park, in central PA September 8-10, 2006
For more information, contact Huntingdon County Arts Council, e-mail: hcac@adelphia.net
Phone: (814) 643-6220 http://www.simplegiftsmusic.com/greenwood/

Old Dry Road Farm Festival
Acoustic Mini Fest
Usually in late September

Seven Mtn’s Bluegrass Assn.
shows at Goodwill Fire Co
2318 S. Queen Street
York PA - 717-445-9496

The Bach Festival of Philadelphia 215-247-BACH

Elverson Dance
New England Style contra dances, traditional
squares, waltzes and more
first Saturday 7:30 to 10:30 pm except summer months
beginner workshop at 7:00 pm
St Mary's Episcopal Church
61 Morningside Dr
Elverson, PA (actually east of Elverson)
smoke and alcohol free
not necessary to bring partner - wear casual,
comfortable clothing and soft-soled shoes to protect the floor
bring a snack to share at the break
$7 Admission, $4 for students under 16 and Seniors
65 and older
Nancy Keeler (610) 777-7443 for info
also www.frysinger.com/dance/

T Shirts with our logo
are now available for $6.00 (Sm-XLg) or $7.00 (XXL) to members. There are
matching baseball caps for $5.00. The colors are a dark green, medium blue, or
very dark black. Prices are slightly higher for non-members. Contact Don at dpott@ptd.net
to place your order today.

Colonial style shirts
are desired when we
play at places like Hay Creek and Old Dry Road Farm. You don’t need one if you
can otherwise look the part. But if you do want to buy one, Bill has arranged
for Sarah Besterman to make some for us.

Here’s a picture of Sarah holding a sample of her handiwork.
Click the pic to make
it big! More
photos on the "Photos" page.

They call it "Bluegrass Aerobics!" Learn
to clog dance!
Now being taught in Red Lion, PA, evenings. Appalachian style,
solo, freestyle clogging taught by professional, prize-winner
clogger. Call Jessica Mary Buck 717-235-9252 or
e-mail: jessiebb@juno.com.

About Mailing Labels
The label on your newsletter should reflect your membership
status. A "P03", for
example means your membership is paid through 2003. Membership runs for the FCMS fiscal
year (April to April). So 2003 memberships will be due in April. Please check your
label and let us know if there’s a misteak [sic]. Other organizations and
advertisers have a "C". No need to renew them.

Join our free Email List!
To join our email list, click here
to let us know, entering the word "SUBSCRIBE FCMS" in the subject
heading. We'll keep you informed of news updates, exciting events, and
other musical things!

Give Full Circle
a listen
Check out 's
Folk/Blues Page (Commercial)
for the latest releases, interviews, and folk/blues news
search for your favorite CBGB artists' records:
or check
out Bluegrass from Amazon instead!

advertisers interested in making a contribution to FCMS in exchange for an ad or
link on this web site please contact FullCircleMusicSociety@yahoo.com.