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FuzzyButt's Card Shoppe

FuzzyButt's Card Shoppe

Pick up your card

Enter your ticket number:

Compose your postcard

Select a picture

thumbnail of your picture #1

thumbnail of your picture #2

thumbnail of your picture #3

thumbnail of your picture #4

Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #4

thumbnail of your picture #5

thumbnail of your picture #6

thumbnail of your picture #7

thumbnail of your picture #8

Picture #5

Picture #6

Picture #7

Picture #8

Type in your card text:

(you can use HTML tags)

Select some music:

Enter your name:

Enter your e-mail:

Enter recipient's name:

Enter recipient's e-mail:

Preview postcard

Send without preview

Made with Cardshop Creator Lite by Personal Postcards

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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