Galactic Empire Sim

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The New Imperium

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The New Republic

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It is nearly 10 years after the battle of Endor. The New Imperium, under Emperor Hoss, mounted a campaign against the New Republic. After showing military skills the galaxy had not seen since the battle of Endor, the New Imperium managed to retake much of the galaxy, icluding Coruscant. Emperor Hoss began a new tradition, one of an Empire based less on rule by fear and more on rule by support from the citizens. He managed to gain support from worlds which had supported the origonial Empire to be overthrown. Emperor Hoss also decided to rebuild the New Imperium's Naval forces. This great build up was considered to match the old Empire's naval power at it's height of power. The New Imperium seems ready to begin a war which could decide the fate of the galaxy.

After being thrown from the Galactic Capitol on Coruscant and losing many members, the New Republic, under Commander In Cheif ____, installed a new capitol for the New Republic. CIC ____ also decided not to return to the old days of the Rebel Alliance of hit and run, but to remain a galactic goverment and build up a navy. His ideas were opposed at first, but after the galaxy saw the build up of Imperial naval ships they became popular. This build up was the most massive military build up the New Republic had ever conducted. The New Republic's build up matched that of the NI's, and the two governments became even for the first time in history. The New Republic now seemed ready to retake the galaxy and install peace into it once more.

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Galactic Empire Sim News

Sim restarting. All sim leaders contact Emperor Hoss if you would like to remain in command. The new sim chat room is located at: Superchat (New Bruinswick server) and #Galactic_Empire. Please join me there.
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