LGBT News Blogs:
LGBT E-mail Lists
You are welcome to subscribe to:
Gay News: news stories of interest to Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered people to your in box five days a week.
This is a high volume list - some 200 stories a month are sent to members.
You may want to choose the "read online" option to keep your inbox clear. Or
you may enjoy getting some e-mail almost every workday.
Gay Faith News: GLBT faith news.
Gay Youth News:
news about GLBT youth, school and university issues.
Gay Books:
read a good Gay book lately? Looking for one?
Looking for a read the top news of the
Visit the
Gay News Blog @
This is a great option if you don't have time to read a lot of e-mail. We update
this page daily.
Click here to sign up for free gay news delivered to your inbox!
Like a brick wall, we gain strength when we stand together. Since 1995, I
have been sending gay news out to folks around the world. I've used Yahoo Groups
since 1998 I've used Yahoo Groups to speed delivery of these e-mails. For awhile
I used the Prodigy LGBT Community - now I moderate a similar online community -
the Diversity Board
at (unlike Prodigy, this board
is free). Now there are more than 10,000 posts in that group and Gay News
lists also exist at Topica and Goggle Groups.
In April 2002, I launched the Gay
News Blog as a new way to deliver LGBT News. You can also Check out our
Gay Book Blog,
Gay Religion Blog,
Gay Opinion Blog and our engaging
Gay Travel Blog. Why? It is hard for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to find a
real sense of real community. Some live in communities or families where to be
queer is to be at risk of physical or emotional battering. Others are just in
the process of coming out or live so far away it is hard to stay in touch.
Sign up or check news online!
If you wish, you may add personal information to you
profile which will be listed in the Membership Directory and is visible to
members of the list(s) to which you subscribe. But that is optional and is
completely up to you.
If you do subscribe and enjoy this free service, please invite your friends
to sign up. Any promotional assistance you can give (in terms of posting
information from this e-mail on your web sites, etc.) will be appreciated.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.