United Kingdom Electoral Act 2003


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The United Kingdom Electoral Act 2003

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

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AN ACT to make provision for British Citizens in the Ibrosian Democracy to vote in British elections.


WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has failed to retract, or even make provision, for the electoral rights of British citizens residing within sovereign Ibrosian Territory,


Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:


1. BRITISH CITIZENSHIP – For the purposes of this Act, a British Citizen shall be construed as a person resident within the Ibrosian Democracy who holds the status as British Citizen under the applicable legislation of the United Kingdom.


2. ELECTORAL ISSUES – (1) It shall be lawful for citizens of the Great Commonwealth resident within the Ibrosian Democracy who hold the status of British Citizen in the United Kingdom to vote in United Kingdom elections and referenda.

(2) The relevant constituencies or electoral wards for which citizens of the Great Commonwealth may elect members to:

                (a) the United Kingdom House of Commons,

(b) the applicable regional assembly, the National Assembly for Wales, the Northern Ireland Assembly or the Scottish Parliament,

(c) the applicable local authority; office of Mayor or Lord Mayor; village, town or city council or any other relevant body of the Crown which may be elected by virtue of residence within a territorially defined area of the United Kingdom,

shall be the constituency or electoral ward in which Her Majesty’s Government states that their individual Estate belongs to.

(3) It shall be unlawful under this Act for any dual British and Great Commonwealth Citizen within the territory of the Ibrosian Democracy to stand for election to any of the areas mentioned in Subsection (2) without the prior consent of:

                (a) the grande éhoi,

                (b) the Prime Minister,

                (c) the First Secretary of State.

and redress shall be made by and through the Supreme Court, which shall have the power to declare that such and undertaking has voided an individual's Great Commonwealth Citizenship.


3. BORDER ISSUES – (1) It shall be unlawful under this Act for any organ of this state or any private individual or organisation to prevent a British Citizen resident or lawfully visiting the Ibrosian Democracy to purposefully prevent, or attempt to prevent, the entry of such a person into the United Kingdom on the day of an election to the bodies mentioned in Section 2(2) or a referendum as declared by Her Majesty’s Government or any other body of the Crown.

(2) The Criminal Justice Act 2003, Section 3(7) shall be amended to read thus:

"VIOLATION OF THE UK ELECTORAL ACT 2003 -- preventing the lawful movement of a British citizen in Great Commonwealth territory when attempting to cross the United Kingdom border to vote in any election mentioned in the United Kingdom Electoral Act 2003 without reasonable cause. Sentencing restrictions --- Minimum: Formal declaration of dishonour; Maximum: Imprisonment for a period of thirty five days or a fine of up to £1000 GCP"


4. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT – (1) This Act may be cited as the United Kingdom Electoral Act 2003.

(2) This Act shall come into effect upon the 31st day of May, 2003 CE


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