Festival of the Wild Rose Moon

The Festival of the Wild Rose Moon

is one part Rendezvous, one part 'Little House on the Prairie' and a healthy spicing of Society for Creative Anachronism ... .

Little Gryniewicz on the Prairie

Among the tales I told were "Cowboy and Coyote" which is an old Cheyenne animal story about the trickster's confrontation and contest with a white man.  The latter is out to prove himself the better 'trickster' while Coyote sets out only to prove himself.

He rode out of the west ... .

Yeah!  You!

"I'm talkin' to you, Coyote!

"C'mon out from behind that cactus!

"I aims to prove I'm cleverer than you.  I'm smarter than you; I'm trickier than you; I'm more mischievious even than you -- "

... to which Coyote says, "You wanna be smarter, be smarter ... .  You wanna be trickier -- okay; you're trickier; I'm tired o' this ... .

"You see that mountain over there the other side o' the trees?  Well, I live through them trees and over that mountain and through the trees on the other side ... .  You wanna prove you're trickier than me I gotta get my bag o' tricks ... "

I live through the woods and over that mountain and through the woods on the other side

" ... Maybe if you could lend me your hat ... "

My hat?  Sure.


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