[an error occurred while processing this directive] Houston County Truth: SPLOST is Fraud Consequence
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Houston County SPLOST is Consequence of Election Fraud by Houston County Officials.

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Here come the con men and their lady friends again in Houston County, Georgia. On 19 June, 2001, the Mobs of "trusted" elected officials from Houston County, and the cities of Warner Robins, Perry, and Centerville are holding a referendum to continue the eternal (forever) sales tax known as Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST). These Mobs want to continue a one cent sales tax they get now for another five years and eighty five million dollars. The Mob from the Board of Education will be along in September to get another one cent sales tax going for them for unknown millions. I wouldn't trust any of these people with a nickel.

The authority for Houston County officials to call a referendum came from a criminal act known as election fraud committed by Houston County officials in 1996. These referendums are not only illegal, but immoral as well. I sent a report to the Georgia Attorney General and the Georgia Secretary of State and asked them to investigate this matter. Basically, their reply was " Not my job, man. Get yourself a lawyer and sue them". They protect their cronies. Please read the report to see the financial harm that was done to the citizens of Houston County by our dishonorable elected officials. The consequence of the election fraud treachery was the removal of a provision in our tax cap law that stated that any sales tax increase in Houston County had to be offset by a decrease in ad valorem taxes. Our treacherous elected officials had kept this consequence a secret from the citizens of Houston County. This constitutes election fraud.

The Middle Georgia newspapers have added to the local corruption by refusing to publish any thing about this election fraud matter.That is why I started a newslettercalled the Houston County Truth.

These people who have committed election fraud against the citizens of Houston County deserve to be put on trial. These people committed a crime against the voters of Houston County who have a constitutional right to a fair and honest election. We were denied that right by these felons who committed election fraud. This crime struck a blow at the very heart of our form of government which is our election process.

The law enforcement agencies that have said "Not my job" include the following: the Houston County District Attorney, U.S. Attorney, F.B.I., Georgia Attorney General, Georgia Secretary of State, and Voting Section,Department of Justice. None of these agencies said that these people didn't do this election fraud. They just didn't want any thing to do with it. It had to be because of corruption, lack of backbone, lack of integrity, indifference to their duty, sorriness, laziness, or a combination of all the above. These law enforcement agencies have to be the largest organized crime groups of them all. And the sorriest.

We can't give up. We can't let the SPLOST criminal enterprise win. Justice will prevail some day. We must vote NO to all of these SPLOST referendums. At the same time, we must work to remove the politically corrupt from our County government.

WE will better serve the children of Houston County if we remove the stench of political corruption that hangs over our county like a blanket. This should come first before we try to con the people into letting someone continue to steal their money with an eternal tax. Kids aren't stupid. Why don't we ask them if they would rather have a new building built with stolen money or an honest and clean County government?

Please pass this web site address < http://www.houstoncountytruth.org > on to everyone you can and share this information with people not on the internet. Try to get everyone you know to go to the polls and vote NO on SPLOST.