[an error occurred while processing this directive] Houston County Truth: Volume III
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Volume III: July, 2002

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Elected and Appointed Officials in Houston County, Georgia are still


(For Conspiracy To Commit Election Fraud)

Elected and appointed officials in Houston County, Georgia continue to evade the peoples’ justice because other elected law enforcement and judicial officials in Houston County and the State of Georgia are violating their oath of office. They are refusing to investigate a blatant case of conspiracy to commit election fraud against the citizens of Houston County.

Also, the print media in Middle Georgia continues to refuse to investigate this election fraud and also refuses to allow any public comment about it to be published in their newspapers. If you don’t believe it, I challenge everybody to try to get a complete “letter to the editor” about this election fraud published in any Middle Georgia newspaper. In volumes one and two of the Houston County Truth, these newspapers were identified as the Macon Telegraph, Warner Robins Daily Sun, Byron Gazette, Warner Robins Buyers’ Guide, and the Houston Home Journal in Perry. (Volumes One and Two along with my election fraud investigation request to the Georgia Attorney General and other information are available on my web site at: http://www.houstoncountytruth.org

Since volumes one and two were written, another Houston County shoppers newspaper called Buyers’ Connection has been activated to compete with the Warner Robins Buyers’ Guide. The publisher / owner of the Buyers’ Connection is Mike Hall, ex - publisher of the Warner Robins Buyers’ Guide. Mr. Hall was the publisher of the Warner Robins Buyers’ Guide when he refused to distribute my Volume One of the Houston County Truth as a flyer on a PAID basis in October, 2000.

I bought a paid ad from The Buyers’ Connection to advertise my web site in January,2002. The ad was supposed to have the words “political corruption” and “election fraud” in it to explain what the web site was about. The ad was accepted and I paid for the ad in advance to run four times. When the ad appeared the next week, the words “election fraud” were left out. When I inquired about this, I discovered that my ad had been censored. I let my ad run three more times to see if they would correct this and put “election fraud” back in the ad.They did not. When I asked Mike about this, he said that he removed “election fraud” because I had not proven it yet. Unbelievable? No, it was just disappointing.

( Late insertion into newsletter) Lets give credit where credit is due. After this newsletter was initially drafted and put online, the Buyers' Connection published a letter from a citizen demanding an investigation into the charges of ELECTION FRAUD mentioned in this newsletter. They also published a response from Houston County District Attorney, Kelly Burke. Of course, Mr. Burke takes the position that nothing illegal has been done. I take exception with just about every statement he made in his response.

The response was a great work of fiction and fantasy. Would the response be the same if they were under oath? Mr. Burke was also responding for the County Commissioners and tax officials.They are learning that it is dfficult to defend the indefensible. I am willing to let the public read the information on my web site and decide for themselves who is telling the truth. This is Mr. Burke's first public response about this fiasco.

I hope everyone will try to get a copy of the Buyers" Connection and read the letter and response for themselves. It is dated August 6 - August 12, 2002. The phone number at the Buyers' Connection is 478-329-1005 and it is a free newspaper set up in vending machines throughout Houston County. I thank the Buyers' Connection for publishing this information as a public service. That is what newspapers are supposed to be about.

There is no longer any need for the other newspapers to completely cover up this ELECTION FRAUD issue. People throughout Houston County know about it now. If the news media and law enforcement people had not stonewalled and refused to do their jobs, this situation could have been resolved one way or the other long ago. I just wanted the Houston County citizens to know what happened and to have their case resolved in a court of law. Other people have worked to keep that from happening.

A columnist for the Buyers’ Connection keeps writing the praises of our ex-state senator, Sonny Perdue, as he continues his campaign for governor. He refuses to acknowledge that Perdue was part of the ELECTION FRAUD scheme that denied over 31,000 Houston County voters their constitutional right to know what they were voting for in the general election in 1996. In effect, Sonny Perdue and his fellow conspirators denied over 31,000 citizens their constitutional right to vote in Houston County. If voters have been deceived about the consequences of their votes, they have been denied their right to vote.

Here is the definition of FRAUD: The concealment of what should have been disclosed that deceives or is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury-- also called “Actual Fraud”.

Here is the 1996 ELECTION FRAUD scheme. In the General election in November, 1996, a proposed amendment to the Georgia Consitution to allow county school districts to hold sales tax referendums to benefit county schools was on the ballot. The amendment passed. However, voters in Houston County did not know that a confusing and hard to understand paragraph had been SECRETLY added to the end of the Education Amendment by our dishonorable Houston County State Legislators that was intended to hurt only the citizens of Houston County because we had a tax cap.

The SECRET paragraph removed our tax cap requirement that said that any sales tax increase in Houston County had to be offset by a decrease in ad valorum (property) taxes. Houston County voters were tricked into voting for something harmful to them without any chance to fight it since they did not know that their “trusted” elected officials had betrayed them. That is why our property taxes don’t have to be decreased every time a SPLOST is passed.

Houston County officials who actively participated in or had to know about the ELECTION FRAUD scheme and deliberately concealed this felony were : “Judge” Buster McConnell and State Senator Sonny Perdue; Houston County State Representatives: Larry Walker, Sonny Watson, Johnny Floyd, and Robert Ray; Houston County School Board Members: Tiena Fletcher, Gary McClure, Hubert Hutchinson, Fred Wilson, Skip Talbert, Shirley Lowery. and Dave Davidson; Houston County Commissioners: Larry Snellgrove, Jay Walker, Jim Carter, Calvin Mayes and the late Sherill Stafford. Also, Houston County School Superintendent Tony Hinnant and County School Board Attorney Billy Jerles and County Attorney Mike Long had to know about , participate in, and support the concealment of, the ELECTION FRAUD scheme.

The late Sherrill Stafford, Commission Chairman, admitted to me in June 1998 that they carried out their secret ELECTION FRAUD scheme because they knew that the people would never vote against their tax cap if they knew about it. That is why they decided to commit the crime of ELECTION FRAUD against the citizens of Houston County.

Why can’t these people be brought before a jury of their peers and be held accountable for what they have done? Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke has refused to even make a preliminary inquiry into this matter. He is more interested in protecting his cronies and keeping them from a court of law. His betrayal of the trust of the people and violating his oath of office is really disgusting. He could ask Superior Court Judge Ed Lukemire to request an investigation from the Georgia Attorney General since he has a conflict of interest. He did that when former school board member Terry Hedden forgot where he lived on election day on 6 November, 2001, and voted illegally in a City election and was charged with ELECTION FRAUD . Of course Burke had to do that because Hedden’s ELECTION FRAUD became publicly known so quickly. The Attorney General said that Hedden didn’t falsify his residence address on purpose so he did not commit ELECTION FRAUD. Unbelievable? Not really. Politicians protect Politicians. Kelly Burke needs to resign or be removed from office.

Houston County Superior Court Judge Ed Lukemire was the Houston County District Attorney when the ELECTION FRAUD scheme was planned in 1995 and executed in 1996. He resigned in 1996 after Buster McConnell resigned as Superior Court “Judge” in July, 1996. He was elected Superior Court Judge later that year as a replacement for Buster. In January, 2002, I sent a letter to Judge Lukemire which contained some information about the ELECTION FRAUD scheme and some questions about his possible involvement when he was the Houston County District Attorney. Here are two of the questions: (1) Did you know that the ELECTION FRAUD scheme was underway in 1995 and 1996 when you were the trusted elected official acting as Houston County District Attorney? (2) All of the planning and execution of the scheme took place on your watch. If you didn’t know about it, do you think you should have known?

Judge Lukemire didn’t answer any questions in his reply. He acted as though he would be the judge if this case were brought to trial and he said he can only discuss an issue with both sides of that issue present. Believe me, it never occured to me that he would take the position of being a judge in this case because he would be in a position of the greatest conflict of interest of all time. I was thinking of him being a witness or a defendant.

Free and honest elections are the foundation of our form of govenment. This privilige was won for us by the sacrifces of our fighting men and women on the battle fields around the world. We honor them by our celebration of Memorial Day and Veterans Day and by thanking them every day of the year. These people involved in this ELECTION FRAUD have shown contempt to all our Houston County citizens and particular contempt to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for us. It is past time that we showed our contempt for the felons that committed ELECTION FRAUD and bring them to trial in a court of law. I want them to have their day in court and have a chance to defend themselves. It is more than the citizens of Houston county got from the ELECTION FRAUD people and the newspaper media that continues to try to keep the truth from Houston county citizens.

The very first television report about this ELECTION FRAUD crime was shown on WMAZ-TV in Macon, Georgia on 2 June and 3 June, 2002. The reporter on that program was Nicole Foerschler. I appreciate her efforts. I know that a lot of people saw that program by the response that I am getting.I hope that WMAZ will continue to investigate this crime and bring the truth to the people. It would be a great thing if other television stations decided to live up to their responsibility and help to expose the crimes of our elected and appointed officials. After all, it is the responsibiliy of the press to expose the political corruption to the people. The Middle Georgia newspapers have been asked to do their job and they continue to refuse so it is hopeless to ask anymore.

The Buyers’ Guide editor,David Cranshaw, reneged on a promise to expose the election fraud scheme in July, 2000. When he decided that he would not publish the truth about the election fraud scheme, I knew that I had to start a newsletter called The Houston County Truth if the people of Houston county were to learn of the betrayal by their elected officials and the news media of Middle Georgia.

All of the people of Houston county are going to have to step up and help clean up the corruption by our elected officials and the cover up by the media. What can you do? Ask the people involved why they did it. Ask them to search their conscience and do what is necessary to make things right. This won’t work for the ringleaders because they have no conscience. Some of these people probably just went along to get along. Now is the time for these people to apologize and ask for forgiveness. All of these people in office now should resign. All of the people involved should never be elected to any office or appointed to any government position again. Ask the media to do their job honorably.

All of the people involved in the Election Fraud scheme and the coverup are weak and immoral people. If they had any conscience or feelings of regret about their betrayal of their oath of office and bringing shame to their families, they would apologize to the people of Houston county and turn themselves in to the proper authorities. Proper authorities does not mean Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke or Houston County Superior Court Judge Ed Lukemire or retired Senior “Judge” Buster McConnell. They would probably have to go out of county at least to find a proper authority we could depend on.

If we could get them in a court of law, these people would run over each other to rat on the others to get a reduced sentence. Right now they are relying on their cronies in positions of authority and trust to protect them. So far, it has worked pretty good as far as the law enforcement and media coverup is concerned. ......so far!

Perhaps the biggest disapointment in this Election Fraud scheme is the involvement of some of the people that betrayed us at the beginning. Their names have been mentioned earlier in this volume three of the Houston County Truth.

Two people who were not involved with this Election Fraud at the beginning and deceived me and other people into believing that they would never have anything to do with a criminal enterprise like that were Ned Sanders and Gloria Alday. This was before either was elected to office. I campaigned for both of these people and helped get them get elected to office. Both are now on the Houston County Board of Commissioners. I told people how honorable they were and that they would never have anything to do with that criminal enterprise known as SPLOST because it hurt the people of Houston County. As soon as they were put in office, Ned and Gloria became political bedfellows with the Election Fraud crowd. I would like to apologize to everybody that I asked to support Ned or Gloria. I have apologized to many of you personally but I know I missed a lot of you. Ned and Gloria are running against each other for the position of Chairman of the County Board of Commissioners. We need a ballot option called “none of the above”

Years ago in the 1920s and the 1930s in Chicago and New York City, criminal gangs tried to work together by sharing the profits from different illegal activities instead of killing each other. One gang would run the prostitution in the cities, and another gang would run the bootlegging of illegal booze, and another gang would run the gambling rackets and so on. The plan failed.The commissioners came up with a scheme for another SPLOST referendum based on what their counterparts had done in Chicago and New York.

They made a deal with the politicians in the Houston county cities of Warner Robins, Perry, and Centerville that they would share the loot if the politicians would help get another sales tax referendum passed so the people would continue to be taxed at an obscene rate. It was passed. This County Commission is just as obscene as the one in 1996.

The Macon Telegraph published part of a” letter to the editor” on Sunday 7 July 2002 about how the Election Fraud had a negative effect on our tax cap. This was the first time that even a part of a ”letter to the editor” that mentions this Election Fraud has been published in a Middle Georgia newspaper. It was written by a man named M.Tony Anthony. The editors added a note after the letter that said:”The Houston County tax cap is still in effect as reported in the Macon Telegraph - The Editors”

Whoa there, Mr.Editors. The tax cap is a mere shadow of its former self since the Sales Tax provision was removed by a secret paragraph added to the end of the educational Constitutional Amendment in 1996 by our dishonorable State Senator and our dishonorable State Representatives and others. Remember, the Sales Tax provision required an equal decrease in property taxes if sales taxes were increased.

I hope that more people will contact the media and law enforcement people that they know who care about our country and its form of government and let them know that the people of Houston county need some help in removing people from office and bringing them into a court of law. This situation is an outrage.

I am going to end this newsletter with a comforting thought. All of these people involved in this conspiracy to commit Election Fraud against their neighbors and fellow citizens of Houston county know that they and their fellow conspirators are people completely without morals, honor, or integrity. Anybody who can do what they have done to their fellow citizens is capable of doing anything to anybody at anytime anywhere whether it is legal or illegal, moral or immoral, decent or indecent. How can any of these people trust each other to have morals, honor, or integrity when they visit each others home and family.?Quite a problem for them. Kind of brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it?

Send comments or questions to: PO Box 9035, Warner Robins, Ga. 31095 or go online at http://www.houstoncountytruth.org or email <editor@houstoncountytruth.org>
FAX: 478-328-1913