Special Note:
This new "The Container-Garden Club" is now at http://container-garden-vic.tripod.com/ click link for direct access is an offshoot of
the "Greater Victoria Geranium and Fuchsia Society" which has now ended all activities.
"The Container-Garden Club" provides wider plant interests concentrated in Potted Plants of varied types.
>>>>> Access the new Club at: http://container-garden-vic.tripod.com/
Greater Victoria |
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Geranium & Fuchsia Society |
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Care of: #2-4341 Crownwood Lane,Victoria, BC Canada V8X 5G3 |
The Society was formed to support and promote the growing of Geraniums and Fuchsias.
Scroll down to see the : List of Executives ..... and the | * Last Yearly Spring Sale * Was held May 5 , 2006 at the Hillside Shopping Centre, on Hillside Ave inVictoria. Thank You One & All |
Membership Form & Fees | |
Meetings, Where & When | |
Society History & Affiliations | |
Plus E-Mail contacts & links |
At the May Sale Members
displayed their best Plants, sold plants &
seedlings and answered questions from the Public.
Tickets were sold as Prize Draw with a chance to win valuable Plants & other Prizes. *** New Members are no longer sought for the Society, but are sought for the new Container-Garden Club. Complete a note and indicate if for one individual or for a family of two or more, the annual Fees for the Club are $10.00 per person and $15.00 for a family, in Canadian dollars. Note : Please mail to the address listed above on Crownwood Lane. You might want to try these mixtures: Geranium Soil Mix : 1 part Peat Moss, 1 part No.1 Grit, 1 part Perlite, 4 parts Loam, Sprinkle 6-8-6 : Make sure Peat and Grit are crumbly wet. Add Loam last. Once established fetilize with 20-20-20 half-strength weekly. Fuchsia Soil Mix : 1 part Coarse Peat Moss, 1 part Perlite, 1 part Steer Manure, 2 parts Loam, Sprinkle 6-8-6. Make sure Peat and Perlite are crumbly wet. Add Steer Manure & Loam last. Once established fertilize with 20-20-20 full strength weekly. |
General Information
Meetings were held at the Garth Homer Centre, 813 Darwin Avenue, Victoria BC on the 4th Monday of each month Sept to May at 07:30 PM (except Dec). The Annual General Meeting was held in Jan and the Pot Luck supper in Feb. Summer Meetings for Jun, Jul & Aug were held at a Member's Garden on the 4th Sunday between 2 and 4 PM. On special occasions meetings have also been held at Government House and the Horticultural Centre of the Pacific.
Parlour Shows were held occasionally at the meetings where Members could have their potted Geranium and Fuchsia plants rated, points were awarded for each type and prize(s) given at the end of the season. Also Potting Soil could be ordered by Members through the Society at a price slightly above cost.
Bus Trips were planned to visit Flower Shows, Speciality Gardens or Nurseries at nominal cost to the Members. The Greater Victoria Geranium & Fuchsia Society Newsletter was published four times a year. It contained articles of general interest and on the care & culture of Geraniums and Fuchsias. Members were encouraged to submit articles for review and publishing.
Prize Draw, Plant Accessories Stall and Lending Library were regular features of the Society.
Click here to view 29 selected Geraniums & here for 100 selected Fuchsias
***** and here also for 33 pictures of Scented Geraniums. *****
Last President and Executives : President:Grace Holness, PastPresident:Todd Molyneux, Director:Joan Gowan, Director: Gilles J. Olivier,
Director: Joan Ruskowski, ,Treasurer:Anne Bzdera, Secretary:Anne Murfitt
This Society was formed in 1979 as a study group of the Victoria Horticultural Society, it became an independent entity in 1982. The Society has grown from 22 Members to more than 115, new Members were always welcomed to learn and to add to the common knowledge of the Society.
The Greater Victoria Geranium & Fuchsia Society http://geranium_society_vic.tripod.com/
** If you are retyping the address, Note the two underscores http://geranium_society_vic.tripod.com/
The Society was affiliated with /or member with :
Victoria Horticultural Society, vhs.homestead.com/
BC Council of Garden Clubs, www.icangarden.com/clubs/bccgc
Horticultural Centre of the Pacific, http://hcp.bc.ca/
New address for: International Geranium Society. http://www.intgeraniumsoc.com/
British and European Geranium Society www.begs.org.uk/
Friends of Government House Society www.ltgov.bc.ca/sitemap.htm
Check these sites also on the World Wide Web:
Canadian Public & Botanical Gardens and Arboreta http://www.rbg.ca/cbcn/en/weblinks/l_gardens.html
UBC Botanical Garden http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/
Of Local Interest ... Garden Clubs http://victoria.tc.ca/Environment/Garden/garden.clubs.html
American Fuchsia Society http://www.americanfuchsiasociety.org
Good Reference Books on Fuchsias TreeDazzled Fuchsia Books
Phoenix for Perenials http://www.phoenixperennials.com/
We could be reached at:
The last President of the Society was : innisfree@islandnet.com
The last Secretary of the Society was : amurfitt@vanisle.net
** The Web Page Editor still is : oliviergj@shaw.ca
Updated on: 20 Mar 2008
Save the location of this old Web Page for future access : http://geranium_society_vic.tripod.com/
Save the location of the new Web Page for future access : http://container-garden-vic.tripod.com/
Points of interest:
Geraniums were brought to Europe from South Africa around the 1700's when they acquired the popular name geraniums, they actually are Pelargoniums outside of the English speaking world. If you want to be real picky here is how to distinguish betweem the two: First, they both belong to the Family or Natural Order of Plants called Geraniaceae. Second, they can easily be told apart by their fruits and flowers:
Pelargonium: fruits are Stork's Bill in shape, long hanging & the flowers are divided in two halves with nectary.
Geranium: fruits are Crane's Bill in shape, short,compact in 2 groups & the flowers are radial without nectary.
You can e-mail your sugggestions and comments to : oliviergj@shaw.ca