VF-11C: Upgraded version of the VF-11B, featuring enhanced communication/navigation systems
VF-11D: Two-seater version for training and recon operations
VF-11D Jamming Bird Custom: Custom version produced on board the Macross 7 colony fleet
VF-11MAXL-Kai: Custom version produced on board the Macross 7 for Sound Force
VF-11 Full Armor: Heavy armor variant of VF-11A, B, C, or D
Class: Tactical Variable Fighter Manufacturer: Shinsei Industries Year Designed/Built: 2030 Test Pilot: Captain Milia Jenius
Soldier Configurations
Running: 90 mph (144 kmph)
Leaping: 30 ft (9 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters.
Flying: 300 mph (480 kmph)
Height: 41.34 ft (12.92 m) Width: 17.46 ft (5.45 m) Length: 11.17 ft (3.49 m)
Gerwalk Configurations
Flying: 670 mph/1072 kmph
Height: 22.05 ft (6.89 m) Width: 35.84 ft (11.20 m) Length: 28.54 ft (8.92 m)
Fighter Configurations
2345 mph/3752 kmph max speed at 10,000 meters or less above sea level
5494 mph/8790 kmph max speed at 10,000-42,000 meters above sea level
16,750 mph/25,515 kmph max speed at 30,000+ meters above sea level, for a
maximum of 5 seconds
Height: 15.39 ft (4.81 m) Width: 35.84 ft (11.20 m) Length: 49.63 ft (15.51 m)
MAX ENGINE THRUST: 28,000 kg x2 from main engines, plus 10,000 kg x4 from optional super booster units or
120,000 kg x2 from optional solid-fuel rocket boosters Weight: 9000 kg Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 50 Cargo: Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings Compatible Fast Packs: