Maryland real estate




howard county real estate maryland




Welcome to the search engine for homes for sale in Howard County Maryland.  By following the instructions you can search  all of Howard County,  for homes and other real estate  for sale.  All  properties that are multiple listed should appear.   This search engine will search all of  Howard county for homes for sale.


Click on here           Search for Homes

This will take you to another screen.

Under area  type in     mris

In the Password section type in      27296

Enter some brief information about yourself and hit submit.

You can search by price, zip code, city, etc.

When you enter the CityNet page you need to click on the continue button to search for homes.

After you gather together a list of home that seem interesting jot down their multiple list number.    Example   HC 232253.  E-mail that multiple list number to me and I will e-mail you back the complete listing.  Please limit your requests to five homes.  I will try to promptly e-mail the information to you.


Since this information is provided by other agents and companies we cannot guarantee accuracy. 

  for more information contact: