Wav Name

File Size Description
badfeel.wav 157 kb "I've got a bad feeling..." Han
afraid.wav 237 kb Luke and Yoda in ESB
900years.wav 88 kb "When 900 years old you reach..." Yoda
blow.wav 59 kb "You're all clear kid..." Han ANH
chances.wav 92 kb "R2 says that the chances..." C-3PO -ESB
foolish.wav 308 kb "Who's the more foolish..." Ben
force.wav 59 kb "The Force will be wth you...always" Ben
force2.wav 91 kb "Remember, the Force will be with you...always" Ben
isnotry.wav i628 kb "Do or do not..." Yoda
jedimasterwav 564 kb "Jedi master Yoda, you seek Yoda" Yoda
looking.wav 491 kb "Looking? Found someone..." Yoda
luck.wav 89 kb "Gook luck..." Han
moseisly.wav 154 kb "Mos Eisley..." Ben- ANH
mudhole.wav 174 kb "Mudhole..slimy..." Yoda
odds.wav 66 kb C-3PO and Han- ESB
rescue.wav 495 kb Leia and Han- ANH
weapon.wav 229 kb "Away put your weapon..." Yoda - ESB
wookwin.wav 72 kb "I suggest a new strategy..." C-3PO- ANH
wrong.mid 24 kb "R2, you're playing the wrong message" C-3PO - ROTJ
sidious.wav 187 kb "Wipe them out..." Sidious
padawan.wav 171 kb Quigon and Obi-Wan from TPM
itsthisboy.wav 78 kb "We refer to the prophecy..." Mace Windu
fearleads2.wav 109 kb "Fear is the path of the dark side..." Yoda TPM
maulfear.wav 399 kb "Fear... Fear attracts the fearful..." Darth Maul, TPM
communi-dis.wav 182 kb "Communications disruption...This could mean only..." Sio Bibble, TPM
revenge.wav 260 kb "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi... At last we will have revenge" Darth Maul, TPM
onlyprotect.wav 164 kb "I can only protect you, I can't fight a war for you" Quigon TPM
meetobi.wav 64 kb "Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-wan Kenobi" Quigon, TPM
p-lifeform.wav 65 kb "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform?" Obi-Wan, TPM
Moveagainstjedi.wav 279 kb "Move against the Jedi first, you will then have no difficulty in taking the queen to Naboo to sign the treaty" Sidious, TPM
welltrained.wav 206 kb "You have been well trained, my young apprentice, they will be no match for you" Sidious, TPM
fearin.wav 118 kb "I sense much fear in you" Yoda, TPM
electricshk.wav 127 kb Sound effect of Jar Jar being shocked
behind.wav 138 kb "There is something else behind this your highness...It will kill you if you stay" Quigon, TPM
autopilot.wav 174 kb "Whoops wrong one, it's on automatic pilot...Hang on!" Anakin, TPM
boydanger.wav 83 kb "The boy is dangerous, they all sense it, why can't you?" Obi-Wan, TPM
watto-credits.wav 220 kb "Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real" Watto, TPM

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