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His name strikes fear into every DBZ villian. His name, Chiaotzu. Chiaotzu is Tein's telepathic friend, and Tein is his leagal gardian. Not much is known about his past but one thing is known for sure, Tein will always defend his midget friend. Chaiotzu is classified as an earthling. If he is a diffrent race, the world will never know. He stands at a mighty 4'5 and weighs a wopping 73 lbs. We first meet our small hero during Dragon Ball. He is the decendent of an emperor. He was trained by the "Crane Elder". Chaiotzu is a strong fighter, yes, but most of his abilities revolve around his telepathy. He can stop anyone in their tracks and he can communicate with Tein by telepathy. He is also a master at energy attacks. Chaiotzu was killed by Tambourine because he was a finalist in the Tenkaichi Budoucki. Chaiotzu was trained by Kami in preperation of Nappa and Vegeta's arrival. He may not be the toughest looking "thing", but he is pretty brave for one so small. He even gave his life while fighting Nappa. When Chaiotzu thought he could destroy Nappa with a kamikazi attack he tried it. Sadly it didn't work. He did get to train at King Kai's planet though. He even defeated Guldo there. Chaoitzu doesn't fight any after the ordeal on earth. Although, he does appear in the final episodes of Dragonball Z and in Dragonball GT. His heart is out of proportion on his little body.

All names stated above belong to FUNimation and Cartoon Network.