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Bardock exits his pod

Bardock is Goku's dad. He can be seen in his very own movie "Bardock: Father of Goku". He is an extremely skilled fighter even though he is a low-level Saiyan. Bardock got the gift, or curse, of seeing things in the future when he was struck in the back on the head on a planet he was conquering. Bardock's new powers show him the fate of his planet, an empending doom. He does all he can to stop it, but something silly like death got in his way. His entire team was killed by Dodoria. Bardock warned the other Saiyans of their fates, but they just laughed. He flew into space hoping to stop Freiza, but Freiza's "Deathball" was too much for him to handle. Just before he died however, he had a foresight about his son. His soon would be the one to defeat Freiza.