If you are one of the very few who do not claim Galaxia as the best villain that Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon has ever seen, you should read this, and see if these reasons can make you luv Galaxia to death! I know that I do.

You have reason to luv golden queen Galaxia because…

***Of her immense beauty. She may be one bad chick, but she sure knows how to look like one.

***Of her bossy attitude. We have too many followers in this world, and not enough leaders. She might not be a leader for a good cause, but hey, she’s a leader!

***She can kill you. -.-

***She has golden hair. How many other people can you see who have golden hair. Oooh, not only that, her hair is multi-colored from top to bottom! She must be using Herbal Essences, ^_^.

***Of her armor. Oh my gosh, she looks ready to wage war. If you were going to side with someone who’d win, who do you think it would be?

***Of her very evil voice. I’m luvin’ the voice.

***Of her powers. Okay is it just me? Or is this woman the only BSSM villain that has come close to succeeding in her plans? She is the best, and has the power to be rid of the Sailor Senshi. More than I can say about the other pathetic villains.

***She has really nifty lookin’ crystals that she can share with you, if she lets ya…

***Of her eyes! Oh my gosh, tell me that you have not seen more glowing and beautiful eyes than that. Such gorgeous eyes, ^_^.

***Of her ambition! Whoa, , I luv that attitude! if she wants something, she will do anything and whatever it takes to get what she searches for. Whoa Satisfied? You bet you are! ^_^

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