MaryJoOn the go with MaryJo

Englewood Jaycees
Award Their Members

 Wednesday, January 13, 1999

The Englewood Jaycees is our Junior Chamber of Commerce. The organization was founded in 1925 and is very active in community projects. In 1992, the Florida Jaycees formed the disaster relief team, that foundation has already helped in over 15 natural disasters. The Florida Jaycees develop leaders. People who want to go on to start their own business or run for political office like former Governors Dan McCarty, Leroy Collins and Lawton Chiles. Over half of the representatives in Tallahassee today have "Jaycees" on their resume; including Rep. Peter Rudy Wallace, an active member of the Sunshine (St. Petersburg) City Jaycees and Senator Bill Bankhead; a past President of the Jacksonville Jaycees. The Jaycees training methods gives everyone an opportunity for achievement. There are no failures in the Jaycees, only degrees of success. Englewood Jaycees offer a wide variety of projects and training classes. There are training programs for better communication skills, team building and personal growth. These projects are designed to enhance the leadership ability of the members in a fun and enjoyable way. With the use of a "Chairman's Planning Guide" they will teach members how to plan a project from start to finish.

Welcoming committee. Julie Boncoski, Tracy Montgomery and Emily Stefanik.


A collage of pervious years' activites welcomes newcomers to the Englewood Jaycees.

How to organize and keep under budget and how to anticipate problems with solutions as well as revisions and recommended changes. The organization is volunteer based and attendance is encouraged but not mandated. Some of their community projects are pioneer days, Easter egg hunt, beauty pageants and Christmas tree sales, fireworks and fund-raising. The Englewood Jaycees meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm at the Jaycees Club House on Placida Road in Grove City. for more inf. call 473-1805 or 696-6657. If you would like to get in touch with MaryJo contact her at the Englewood Sun Herald, 167 W. Dearborn St., Englewood, or call her at 474-5521 or 475-1079, or email her through her web site at,

One of Englewood's Pioneer descendants, Shirley and Donald Platt talked about the good old days, in attendance to support daughter Tammy Newell in-coming President of the Englewood Jaycees

Englewood Sun Herald's very own: Alyssa Schnuggs Jaycees Past President and recipient of Community Development Appreciation Award, with Editorial Assistant Micki D'Amico.

President Larry Coder Presents Mr. and Mrs. Jaycee Award Charlie Bush and Tammy Newell. Charlie also received an appreciation award for the newsletter. Tammy received Project of the Year award and Jaycee of the Year.

Stacey and Scott Peretz a couple looking to make a difference.



Jeanne Smith serives Community Development Appreciation Award from President Larry Coder.

Beverage Administrator J. R. Barnhard receives award for Most Enthusiastic from Larry Coder.

Captain Rick Carpenter pats Charlie Bush on the shoulder for providing the tunes for the dinner


Vice President of the Year Award presented by Larry Coder goes to Emily Stetanik.

Marty Lewis receives on award for her tenure as Englewood Jaycees Chaplin from Larry Coder.

Most Mischievous Award goes to Eric Stefanik, as well as his Individual Development Award, so says President Larry Coder.



 Florida Membership Vice President Jim Aldal explains what Tammy Newell's year ahead will be like and then swears her In.

Treasure (for third year) Tracy Montgomery receives award for Officer of the Year as well as Most Exhausted Member Award from President Larry Coder.

A lyssa Schnugg bowls in style with her bowling ball and dress to match.

New Board of 1999 is sworn in by Florida State Membership Vice President, Jim Aldal.


Below, President of the Englewood Jaycees for one final moment, Larry Coder displays his outgoing President plaque which retires his gavel before handling over duties to Tammy Newell.

 Heather Taylor, State Director of Englwood Jaycee receives Appreciation Award from President Larry Coder.


  Ann Hinshaw, Linda and Joe Sisson relaxing waiting for their turn to bowl.

Member of the Year goes to Sharron Coder, out-going President's wife.


John Hinschaw, Tammy Newell and Cathie Quinn.

To Larry from Eric "to relax in the coming year" whirlpool for bathtub and a bottle of Champagne


any comments or questions, e-mail me at: e-mail ®

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