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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 18:

The Question:

This person was a comptroller-general of France for a brief period in 1759 and used to advise people to have shadow potraits made of themselves instead of engaging artists to draw their likeness. What word came into English language from his name?

The answer:

Silhouette from Etienne de Silhouette

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 18:

No of respondents: 4

No. of correct answers: 3

The Respondents:

1. B. Sreeram
    His Answer: (Etienne de) Silhoutte

2. Ameesha
    Her Answer: Silhouette. From Etienne de Silhouette

3. Veeraraghavan
    His Answer: Silhouette

4. Jyothiprakash
    His Answer: MURALS

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