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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 19:

The Question:

Which Charlie Chaplin film actually made in 1952 won an Oscar in 1973 for Best Original Score and why did it take 20 years to achieve this feat?

The answer:

The film was 'Limelight'. In order to qualify for a Oscar a film has to run for atleast a week in Los Angeles. 'Limelight' was released as late as 1971 in Los Angeles.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 19:

No of respondents: 2

No. of correct answers: 1

The Respondents:

1. B. Sreeram
    His Answer: Limelight. Because films needed to be released in LA to be considered for Oscar.

2. Jyothiprakash
    His Answer: the movie is the great dictator.

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