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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 2:

The Question:

We all know that the popular comic character Tintin was created by Herge. First, tell me what Herge's real name was and second, how he got the name Herge.

The answer:

Herge's real name was Georges Remi. Initially he used to sign on his works with his initials as GR. Later, he got bored with it and began to sign with his initials reversed i.e. RG which metamorphosised into Herge.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 2:

No of Respondents: 1

No. of correct answers: 1

The Respondents:

1.  Name: Ameesha
     Her Answer:
     Herge's real name was Georges Remi, and inverting his initials GR, he gets his psuedonym Herge.

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