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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 23:

The Question:

In the Tokyo Olympic games of 1964, Seiko Corporation, Japan brought out an electronic printer called E.P. 101 for the specific purpose of printing the results of the games. A subsequesnt version of this product was called Son of E.P. 101. This name was considered too long and was changed to soemthing else. What?

The answer:

EPSON. E.P. of course stoof for 'Electronic Printer'.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 23:

No of respondents: 4

No. of correct answers: 3

The Respondents:

1. Sharath Kumar
    His Answer: Epson

2. B.Sreeram
    His Answer: Epson

3. Jyothiprakash
    His Answer: Epson

4. Rahul Karkun
    His Answer: dot matrix?

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