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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 47:

The Question:

The business proprosal for development of this revolutionary product was first offered to IBM and then Kodak, which did not see any business potential in the proposal. A little known company by name The Haloid Corporation took over the concept and launched it in 1950. Subsequently it changed its name to that of the product. Name the product and the eponymous company.

The answer:

The Xerox Machine and the Xerox Corporation.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 47:

No of respondents: 3

No. of correct answers: 3

The Respondents:

1. Deepa Muthukrishnan
    Her Answer: The company: Xerox Corporation
    The product: The photocopier, what we commonly call the Xerox machine

2. Ameesha
    Her Answer: Photocopiers. Haloid Company changed it's name to Xerox Corporation.
   (from the word xerography)

3. Rhys Battrick
    His Answer: xerox

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