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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 82:

The Question:

According to the Nilamat Purana The Sage Kashyapa, came  to this place to rescue the people from an oppressive demon called Jalod Bowa. He cut the mountain near Varahamula and released the lake called Satisar that was there. The lake was drained and the demon was killed. The draining of the lake brought out a new mountainous land. How do we know this place?

The answer:

Kashmir from, Kashyapa and Mira or the Mountain of Kashyapa. Varahamula is Baramulla which we keep hearing about in the news every other day now. Satisar is supposedly an allusion to the mythological river Saraswathi!

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 82:

No. of respondents: 4

No. of correct answers: 3

The Respondents:

1. Balasubramaniam
His Answer: The place is - Kashmir.

2. Deepa Muthukrishnan
Her Answer: Kashmir.

3. G. Sreekanth
His Answer: Kashmir.

4. Arumugham N.
His Answer: Pakistan Occupied kashmir.

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