"What is the craziest thing that you would do to meet Vin??"

I would shave my entire body, including my head, then get naked, cover my self with toothpaste and sing "Amazing Grace" in front of 5,000 people.

Run naked through burning hot coals....swim in a shark infested tank...serenade him...what wouldn't I do!!!

Tell him I'll meet him at the studio one day as a stylist or something like that.

Coat my body w/ peanut butter & slip 'n slide through a field of fire ant nests :0

Yell his name really loudly in order to get his attention. There. Not too badass, I know.

Divorce my husband=)

During an assembly full of my classmates, I would run through naked with "I LOVE VIN DIESEL!" painted on my ass!

I'll run naked across Beverly Hills Dr while singing or shouting out for Vin!!!!!

hmmmmm, I would not do anything to make my family look down upon me, I respect what they think of me. So that leaves relatively leaves most anything I can do with my clothes on!

Riddick can turn off the lights and do whatever the hell he wants to, I'd let him see it ALL in the dark!

Hee hee, Vin if you are reading this, PUL-EASE don't be scared of your fans!

In the dark, anything XXX-rated. But to keep things clean, I'd lick whipped cream off his hot bod from the top of his shaved head to the very last "little piggy" on his feet

What wouldn't I do?!? I would douse myself in ice water and stand outside on a February night in Alaska, among other things
~Tori Marshall

On his birthday I would impersonate a singing telegram and try to find out where he is so I can TRY (key word is TRY) to sing him Happy Birthday.

The crazy thing is what WOULDN'T I do to meet Vin! Short of shaving all the hair off my body and getting chicken feathers-ahh I would pretty much do anything right now to meet the man.

I would sky dive naked except the only thing i would be wearing would be an "I Love You Vin Diesel-Will You Marry Me?" banner wrapped around me.

Probably get a real serious case of hot flashes. LOL LOL And then if I find my voice say hello.

I would paint myself pink and run down the busiest street in New York screaming "I'm a big hot dog, I'm a big hot dog!!"

Run naked thru Beverly Hills!

I am terrified of heights. So, for me doing something "crazy" would involve something with heights. I would go para-sailing or sky diving. I might vomit, but I would do it.

Walk through fire.

Go up to him ask if i can cook him a home cooked meal and if he said yes I would make the best dinner ever. Or take his jaket and run and hope he will chase after me.
~Marcia Watkins

I think the better question is... what wouldn't I do?

Climb the Empire State Building with suction cups attached to each of my limbs and a sign on my back that reads : KISS ME IM VIN DIESELISH. MY NUMBER IS...
~Femme Fatale

sky diving swim with sharks and play with lions j/k vin is just a person like everyone else if i really wanted to meet him i would call my lawyer and have her page him for lunch with me

~Somer Rahne

Hire a hot air balloon to fly over Vin's house and then swing upside down from a trapeze attached to the underside of the balloon ...nude, of course!

I would sit through a Backstreet Boys concert...ONLY FOR YOU VIN!

Name the next clone I generate after him. (I do HIV research at a prestigious institute)



I would smother myself in ketchup and dance like a horny chipmunk ; )

I would go on national tv and say ''I love VIN DIESEL baby''

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