We are not a "punk rock" band. Although we respect the D.I.Y. aspect of the so-called "counter-culture," we have no respect for that which punk has become of late: violence, hatred, hypocrisy, and elitism. Punk went from being a movement about social change to being another cheap, mass-produced, cellophane-wrapped artifice for the Billboard charts, a disposable label for those looking for a flag to hide behind. Wearing studded leather jackets and liberty spikes and yelling "oi!" is as original as waving the stars and stripes while wearing Abercrombie and Fitch clothing. Hot Topic revolutionaries shout "fight war, not wars," but don't speak out when Clinton bombs downtown Baghdad. Kids wearing A.R.A. patches chuckle at ethnic jokes they hear on the radio. By allowing this hypocrisy to perpetuate the illusion, we are only becoming another failure, another fashion for the media to manipulate for profits.
Destroy All Labels! Burn All Flags! No War, No Authority!
-Adam Bastard