links my ex- lecturer, ben cowell's webpage. he s currently works in a post-pro house in australia another ex- lecturer, ronald buenaventura 's webpage. he s 2D animation lecturer in temasek polytechnic

T-cude my ex-animation coursemate, ray 's homepage. check out his marvellous digital illustration and sketches

akirastudio my ex-animation coursemate, vong 's homepage. check out his impressive shinjuku dreams & promising work-in-progress memento mori

yellowApe my ex-animation coursemate, kailin 's homepage. check out her wonderful stylised artwork & flash animation

singapore animators connection an ethusiastic group of animators and artistes in singapore

pocketmovies a site where animations, trailers, live action work can be downloaded, my work is there so this link is here

blogger interesting msg board kinda online facility, my place to express my thoughts and weird short stories freely all about lomography, a new hobby i have taken up