Directed by Sam Raimi
Staring Bruce Campbell
as "Ash"
Also staring
Hal Delrich, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker, and Sarah York.
Evil Dead
Ok, you have to understand that this isn't only the finest horror movie of it's time, it's the finest horror movie ever made. Quite possibly the best piece of horror ever captured on motion picture. I am not llying when i say that i absolutly fell in love with the Evil Dead the first time i saw it. It is not possible for me to explain in words exactly what it is about this movie that keeps me coming back for more. Well, i love movies like this, and as they say,"it's the ultimate expirience in grueling terror."
"...The most ferociously origional horror film of the year..."-Stephen King
" The Evil Dead will pull scream after scream from the base of your spine and from the depths of your soul."
And now a little from the story line......
Picture this, five college students taking a nice little weekend vacation. It all starts out with the kids driving to a remote cabin in the middle of the woods. And trust me this is no dream house, it is an old run-down cabin surrounded by trees and more trees. The perfect setting to be occupied by the gut wrenching terror that awaits.
They aren't sure what to expect, know one has actually seen the cabin, but hey no big deal, they're responsible kids right? When they finally get to their little shelter in the woods the painful suspense starts to build. Don't worry, if you haven't seen the movie yet, the suspense will be building up for a while. Trust me, once all hell breaks loose you'll never enter another cellar as long as you live.
Now i hate to give too much away, this is definatley a movie that should not be spoiled; for anyone. But this i'll tell you, a demonic force from the woods posesses Ash's sister and makes her draw a picture of this book. She gets pretty freaked out and doesn't say anything to anyone. That night at dinner everyone is having a good time and out of no where the door to the cellar opens. Can you guess what's down there? The same book I mentioned earlier acompanied by a dagger, a tape recorder, and Ash's soon to be best friend..........his "boom stick."
-The Evil Dead was made in 1979 on an extremly low budget. Much of this movie's success is backed by it's brilliant sound, special effects, and it's origional and extremly twisted story line.
Skip the local video store and go straight out and buy this movie. why you're at it by the sequal and number three as well. You'll eventually end up wishing you had them anyway.