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CHECK OUT MY NEWEST WEB PAGE! ALL MY NEWEST STORIES ARE THERE! I also have another webpage where I will post non-Hercules stories too! That's the "Other Series page!
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Skylark Art Page |
Mirror Site |
Mirror Site Art Page
Check out my new Mirror Site Art page at my Geocities Site.
Here is a sample of my digital art:
Click on the pink flower to get to my new Art page!
Skylark: Outstanding Author of 2002--Iolausian Fan Fiction Awards
This apple graphic was created by Bwell
Mirror Site |
I now have a MIRROR SITE with the same stories as my older Hercules stories and my newer Hercules stories all on one page now in Geocities Yahoo!
This picture was done in Photoshop and it is supposed to be a sketch of Iolaus, the Golden Hunter. This is my very first sketch! I drew this before I learned about facial proportions in our art drawing class.
all those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001
I just wanted to take a moment of silence to honor a fallen hero. Christopher Reeve died on October 11, 2004. Christopher Reeve truly made us believe that a man could fly!"