Here we go... page two of the Kenshin scans...
There's a third page too... so don't forget to
go look at those while you're here!
Sorry 'bout the pop-up ad... but thats the only
way I can keep so many images on this free
Tripod site... so deal ok? ^_^
Kenshin Gallery #1
Kenshin Gallery #3
Kenshin, the man, the legend Sano's uh... family? Kaoru,Kenshin, I believe there's a heckler in the crowd...
Kaoru, Kenshin, a sweet little moment Kaoru, Kenshin, another sweet little moment... Kenshin, Enishi, face off!
Saitou, God, how bad-ass is he?! Saitou, Good old Hajime, preparing to gotatsu some poor fool Saitou, preparing for a fight
Saitou, (Large image) This is just... wow, Hajime fans must see... Sano, Kicking ass, taking names?? Sano, strange little girl eh?