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Calling All Ham-Hams! by pooglelover123285
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Every week on Sunday we will write a new chapter of the book "Calling all Ham-Hams"

Our story so far:

From inside his carrier, Hamtaro watched Laura Haruna walking around her bedroom. His owner was getting ready to leave. "I wish Laura would hurry up and go to school," thought Hamtaro. "I can't wait to go to the Ham-Ham cluehouse!" "Okay, I'm going, Hamtaro!" said Laura. "Bye!" She walked out the door. "Time for my great escape!" Hamtaro said. The hamster climbed out his carrier and scurried behind the bed. He crawled through the secret hole in the wall. Then he ran along the roof and slid down the drainpipe. On the ground, Hamtaro ran past Brandy, Laura's dog. "Hamha Brandy!" he said, saying hello. Brandy yawned. He was always sleeping. Hamtaro scampered to the Oak Tree Park. There he saw two of his friend, Oxnard and Boss. Oxnard was Hamtaro's best friend. He belonged to Laura's best friend, Kana. Boss was a wild field hamster that always carried a shovel. He did not belong to anyone. Hamtaro was happy to see them. Oxnard did not look happy at all. He was sitting on the ground, crying. "I can't find it!" Oxnard cried. "How could you be so clumsy?" Boss asked. Hamtaro scampered up to them, "Hamha!" he said. "Good morning," Oxnard said, "Or rather, bad morning." "Is something wrong?" Hamtaro asked. Boss shook his head. "Oxnard is upset because he lost his sunflower seed again," he said. "You did?" asked Hamtaro, no at all surprised. Oxnard was always losing sunflower seeds. "I tripped on a big blade of grass," cried Oxnard , "and it slipped out of my paws!" "We've all lost sunflower seeds'" said Boss. "You'll find another one before you know it." "How can you be sure?" Oxnard asked sadly. "I may never get another seed again!" Hamtaro wanted to make Oxnard happy again. They had to find his sunflower seed!