NAME: Nguyen Manh Dung
AGE: anh Quynh will be turning 28 this month! (sinh ngay 22/4/72)
ADDRESS: Hien nay Q dang o Minnesota nhung khong co o nha nhieu vi Q phai rent mot hotel o Cali de o trong luc ve cali thu bang hoac sinh hoac van nghe lau lau moi ve tham nha.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Saigon, Vietnam
STATUS: single
INTERESTS: singing, computers, Playstation (Fifa99), soccer
FUTURE PLANS: trong tuong lai Q co nhieu du tinh lam nen khong biet phai noi sao nhung co le Q se retire trong vai nam nua(chac chan khong qua 35 tuoi dau) va se tinh den chuyen tuong lai hoac lo my own business.

Manh Quynh and his mother emigrated to the US from Vietnam in 1993. He was 20 at the time. 1996 was the year Manh Quynh started his career. He has realeased over 50 cd's since.

If you have any stats/information on MQ write it in the guestbook, message board, or forum.

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