GarettVerse Wank 2006

GarettVerse Wank 2006

by thefourthvine

Summary: I mean, the chick's never heard of Funyuns. Dude, that's just sad."

"...took the nasty squick away from the Garett/Funyuns/Ken Wahlverse. " Garett finished reading the comment aloud, then clicked refresh. "No new comments yet."

"Thought that one about the grocery store headlines was good, though." Ken tossed a Funyun in the air and damn near caught it in his mouth. Damn near. "And the one about the horse, that was great. You don't even have a horse."

Garett clicked refresh again. "Yeah. This one, though - she's kind of trying too hard, don't you think?"

Ken shrugged. "I dunno. I just know - I mean, the chick's never heard of Funyuns. Dude, that's just sad."

"Yeah, man. Totally sad. 'Cause if you've never heard of Funyuns - wow. What world are you living in?" Garett was just going to click refresh one last time. And then he'd take a shower. Seriously. He clicked it. Still no new comments. Damn.

Ken checked the empty bag, then felt around the couch for the Funyun he'd dropped.

Garett clicked refresh.


happy funyon home
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