Harry Potter FanFiction
*~Missy's Contact Address--CONTACT ME!~* | *FaNfIcTiOn*


Hey all, this site is for HP fans, ONLY! If you don't like it or are one of those people who are so "into God" that you think Harry Potter is "evil" then this ain't for you! Not saying anything BAD to those people, I mean, I'm Christian and all but I don't see how a kid's book is "evil", even though it IS about Witchcraft and Wizardry, because it's NOT REAL and I strongly believe that Harry Potter is based moreover on FRIENDSHIP, BRAVERY, and LOVE than magic. Well, anyways, this isn't what I put this site up for. I'm not gonna go all prejudice and racy on everyone--

If you'd like to submit a fanfiction or a picture of any kind of rumor or something that you've heard, just email me. Check the "Contact Me" section for my email address and AIM screen name and rules for submitting fanfiction.


What's New?

Here's the News Section everyone!
      -- Don't expect me to get very far right now-- I just started today, you know! LoL, well I'll see how far I get today but don't expect this site to grow that much until I get all the pictures I wanted ~ I don't have that many right now...well I do but they're all on floppy disks because I needed to take them to my moms house (my parents are divorced and I only have internet at my dads) but I'll update as much as I can, ok?
     -- Holy sh!t O.O;; I haven't updated in a while, ne? Welp, I'm sorry to announce everyone, but I had to take off a couple of pages so it looks like we're not gonna have as much interesting stuff on here as I hoped >.< my free space ran out which means I have to delete a couple of pages to put Jessie's new fanfic on my page!

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.