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Puberty is the time in our lives when our sexual reproductive organs mature. This means our bodies become capable of having babies. Long before any outward changes happen, special hormones begin to be produced inside the bodies of both girls and boys. These hormones affect many different things, including sexual development and growth. Puberty often begins at about 10 years of age, although you can't see any outwards signs at this stage. Physical changes become obvious at about 11 to 14 years for most girls, and about 13 to 16 years for most boys. Along with the physical changes come emotional changes. We also start to think differently at this time in our lives. All in all, there are quite a few major changes to deal with during puberty.

Physical changes for girls
The physical changes of puberty for girls include:

·         You'll grow taller.

·         Hips widen and your body becomes curvier.

·         Breasts begin to form. The first stage is called 'budding'. The breasts are sometimes different sizes. This is normal. If worried, see a doctor or other health professional.

·         Hair begins to grow around the pubic area and underarms, while hair on the legs and arms darkens.

·         You may start to get a whitish discharge from the vagina. This is a natural process of self-cleaning in the body.

·         Menstrual periods start.

·         You may start to have period pain just before, or at the beginning of, a period. Warm drinks and a hot water bottle (held to the abdomen) can be helpful. For some young women, exercise helps. See a doctor if you have too much pain. Sometimes, medication is needed.

Menstrual periods
You can't tell for sure exactly when you'll get your period but, after the first year or so, periods usually become fairly regular. Some young women notice a slight clear or whitish discharge between periods, before they get their first period, or both. When you get your first period, many of the other signs of puberty will already have happened, such as breasts and body hair having begun to grow. Some women get period pain or cramp in the lower abdomen that tells them that periods will be happening soon. Usually your period will start off lightly, giving you plenty of time to get to the bathroom. You may notice you feel damp or wet. Carry a sanitary napkin (pad) with you for emergencies.
Menstruation, sanitary pads and tampons
Periods can be irregular, especially at first. They may vary both in how often they happen and how long they last. This irregularity can last for a year or more. Often things will settle down after this time, and periods will then come about once every four weeks. Carry a sanitary napkin (pad) or tampon in your purse or school bag to be prepared. Often a pad is the easiest to use at first. Change pads and tampons regularly, at least two or three times a day, depending on the menstrual flow. It is important that the vagina does not get too dry, so you may need to use smaller tampons or a pad when your flow is light. Tampons have been associated with toxic shock syndrome (a very serious illness) when not changed regularly.

Physical changes for boys
The physical changes of puberty for boys include:

·         You'll get taller and stronger and start to develop muscle mass.

·         Your testicles and penis size increase. It's normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other. Some young men worry about their penis size; however, sexual functioning - including the ability to make love and father children - doesn't depend on penis size. If you're worried, have a chat to a doctor or health professional.

·         Body hair begins to grow around the pubic area, legs, underarms and on the face. The hair starts off fine and becomes coarser and darker over the years of puberty. Some men continue to grow a bit and develop more body hair right into their 20s.

·         In puberty, the voice becomes deeper, sometimes called 'voice breaking' because of the ups and downs in tone.

·         Nocturnal emissions, or wet dreams, can happen in your sleep. Wet dreams are an ejaculation of semen - not urine - that has dampened your sheets. This is a normal part of growing up.

·         Sometimes erections can happen because you're nervous or excited, or just for no reason at all, and can make you feel embarrassed. Other people usually don't notice them as much as you do and they go away within minutes.

·         Some boys' breasts may grow slightly or feel tender. This is normal and a reaction to hormones in the body. This will eventually go away.

Emotional changes
Although puberty refers to the physical changes of the body, there are also many emotional changes taking place, including:

·         Young people have to deal with rapid physical change - all of a sudden, you have a new body shape and can begin to feel self-conscious about how you look. You can sometimes feel embarrassed if you feel different to your friends. Other people may start to respond to you differently. You look older and may be treated as an older person.

·         It can be difficult to cope with early physical changes or it can be frustrating waiting for physical changes to happen.

·         The rapid and abrupt release of hormones into your body can bring about extremes in emotion and mood. It's a temporary imbalance and will settle down. Your parents might complain about your moods but it's not the real you, just those wild hormones affecting the way you feel.

·         The fast physical growth and other changes in your body can give you seesaw periods of boundless energy followed by extreme tiredness.

Your thinking will change
The way you think changes around this time. You're starting to choose your own standards and ideals; to form your own ideas, morals and values; and to rely less on your parents for knowledge about life and the world. You may be starting to think about some deep questions like 'who am I?', 'why am I here?' or 'what is the meaning of life?'. You're developing your own identity as an individual rather than as a part of the family. This could mean showing your parents or the world that you have very different individual tastes in your personal style. Some young people choose to do this in wild ways, while others take a more subtle approach.

Your relationship with your parents
You may want more independence, while - on the other hand - not wanting to give up the support of your parents just yet. This can mean that one minute you feel quite adult and the next you're feeling like a child again. It may mean that you act impulsively at times and engage in some risk-taking behaviour. Parents sometimes worry a lot when you want to go out on your own and do things independently, because they don't want you to come to any harm. They may either know first hand or have heard of some people who take advantage of young people. They're probably quite aware of the risks that some young people take (they may have done it once themselves). What this means is that there can be conflict between parents (who want their child safe) and a young person who wants his or her independence. Try to sit down and work it out calmly with your parents.

Getting through puberty
Puberty can be an unsettling time. It can also be an exciting time, as you move from childhood to adulthood, and take on all the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. Puberty can be difficult, both for parents and young people, as you adjust to the changes. Everyone needs to have patience. Parents are learning too. If there are disagreements, listen to what they have to say and let them know your point of view. Show them that you can take care of yourself in a mature and wise fashion. Letting them know where you are and if you have a change of plans are examples of what you can do to show your parents you are acting responsibly and safely. By handling situations with them calmly and maturely, they'll come to realise your capabilities for looking after yourself.

here to get help

·         Your doctor

·         Local community health centre

·         Family Planning Victoria Tel. (03) 9257 0100

·         Things to remember Puberty is the time in our lives when our sexual reproductive organs mature.

Although puberty refers to the physical changes of the body, there are also many emotional changes. Puberty can be difficult, both for parents and young people, as everyone adjusts to the changes.

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