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Male Infertility
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Reproductive System
Unexplained Infertility
Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs
Womens Symptoms
Combination Methods for Males

In this case, the question is a bit easier to answer -- the single best thing a man can
do to improve his fertility is keep his testicles cool! The best ways to do this are to
wear loose clothing, i.e., switch underwear from briefs to boxers if he doesn't wear them
already; and quit taking hot baths, hot tubs, and the like.

The first thing to do is cool off those testicles. Have him wear boxer shorts instead of
brief underwear. Also, try cool baths before lovemaking.
It's highly unlikely that the cool bath will have any effect on fertility that same day.
As noted in Sec. 7.14 and subsequently, it takes 70-80 days for cooler testicular
temperatures to have any positive effect on sperm.
Your sperm count can be low if you don't ejaculate enough - at least twice a week. A
lot of people don't think of this.
This is advice that my Dr. gave my husband. Be sure to stay out of hot tubs and wear
loose pants and underwear (preferably boxer shorts). Also, my Dr. advised my husband to
have a release of some kind, either through intercourse or masturbation, at least twice
a week. Otherwise, the sperm will die and new sperm, live sperm won't be generated to
take its place.
Is there any scientific evidence that indicates what a man should eat or drink in order
to maximize his fertility? Are there things to avoid such as alcohol or caffeine?
Vitamin C-1000 & zinc-100 Vit E 1000-& a Multi. It is also important to keep that area
of the man cool. My DH puts ice there at night for about an hour for several nights
prior to [ejaculation].
The icepacks are probably unnecessary. Not only is "several nights" too short a time to
make a difference, but it's not essential to cool off the testicles to the extreme that
ice would achieve. (If nothing else, for couples having intercourse to get pregnant, a
nice icepack on the testicles is probably not going to create a ready, willing, and
cheerful male partner
Drinking probably is not good. However, I think stress is more of a factor than alcohol.
(that is if alcohol is done in moderation).
We use what is called ESTER C - it is supposed to be better - which you can get in
health food store - vit E 1000 also at health food store.
This is what works well for us. I also take these vitamens, except for the zinc because
it bothers my stomach.
Well, you are on the low end here [for sperm count]. Sorry to tell you that. Count
does matter. 8 ml is great volume, though!
[The above] is correct (of course, she's big sperm expert! : ) & it sounds like you have
everything good except count. It is possible that this will be higher at a later date,
counts fluctuate wildly between counts. Wear boxers (see Roger), no hot baths (or
excessive showers), stay off your bike, no hot tubs, take Vitamin A, and don't go too
long before having sex. In 3 mos. have another test.
I was diagnosed with severe male factor problems. Low count, motility and 0% morphology.
In November through extensive research I began a testiculer cooling/vitamin therapy
treatment. As the months past my semen parameters improved drastically ! I took
periodical tests to document my improvement. The lab techs were amazed at improvement
last year my best count after preperation was 4 million 30% motility. This year 83
million 95% motility. My wife is now 3 1/2 months pregnant! Below I will list details
on treatments some men may require only some of these techniques as they may not have
as severe a problem as me.
Vitamins: 1 multi(no Iron), 1 Vitamin C 1000 MG, 1 Zinc 25 MG, 1 l_arginine 500 mg.
Cooling: Boxers, Sleep naked with feet elevated,sit back and have a fan circulating air.
No hot showers, stay consistent!
My husband just found out that he has a low sperm count. He didn't ask the doctor how
low, which he should have, but I guess he wasn't prepared to hear that. Our doc is
sending him to a urologist, but I'd like to be more informed before we go. Any
experience you could share or books you could recommend ?
First thing I would do is get the numbers from the doctor. Then you will have a better
idea of what you are working with.
Second thing I would do is have your husband checked for a varicocele. (This is
varicose veins on the testicles.) They can affect fertility by raising the temperature
of the testicles. They can also cause atrophy of the testicles and thereby affect
testosterone production. There is an operation to remove them. I recommend you find a
very good urologist.
Third, get your husband on 1 mg of Vitamin C a day, plus zinc. My husband's count has
gone up nicely (count has gone up from 1 mil to 6 mil, motility form 30% to 60%, and
morphology from 30% to 97%) since his surgery and since I put him on vitamins and herbs.
He takes 1 mg C, E, xinc, selenium, multi (without iron), l_arginine, l_carnitine, bee
pollen, and siberian ginseng. He balked at taking all of these pills at first, but now
he takes them without complaint.
I would also recommend that if your hubby eats very many bananas that you switch him
over to organically grown ones. The pesticides on (and in) bananas may cause some sperm
I encourage your husband to have a sperm analysis as soon as possible--also he should
be checked for varicocele (have an andrologist review the results of the exam).
According to my Dr., frequent ejaculations optimize semen quality by maintaining better
sperm mothion and other sperm functions (even thought the sperm count may be lower).
Don't wait (like I did) to have a male-infertility specialist to get involved in the
I've read of a number of men having success with accupuncture. Zinc (15-40 mg/day, two
divided doses) and acorbic acid (vita C 1-5g/day, divided does) have been shown to
improve sperm function *in some individuals* I would not suggest the higher zinc dose
without consulting a physician. The other basic reccomendations are: no caffeine,
alcohol, cannabis or, for that matter, any drugs (who really knows?), avoid hot showers
and absolutely no hot tubs, loose underwear (all so testicle thermal control system
can function appropriately) and avoid non- organic bananas and other heavily
contaminated with fungus/herb/pesta-cide fruits and vegatables.
Also, remember that anything you do to potentially alter your sperm production takes
70-85 days before you'll be able to test the results. (That's the time it takes sperm
to be produced and develop.)
And in the worst case scenerio, you should also consult with a doctor specializing in
male infertility, as there are other medical/pharmacological treatments for this
condition. And keep in mind that assisted reproductive technologies like ICSI are there
for you if all else fails.
My husband had counts in the teens-twenties and was told to give it up by his friendly
We went to a 'holistic' Doctor who prescribed massive Vitamin C, Yohimbe and Black Boar
(all over the counter stuff from health food specialty stores). She also suggested
that he eat steamed veggies for dinner and other general health type things.
His count went up to the 70's. Traditional RE's pooh poohed it and said that this wasn't
likely, but, we feel differently since we really noticed a high correlation with his
counts and how well he had adhered to the Rx.
We didn't succeed however because I've got problems too.
Does anyone know if a low sperm count of 14-16 million is something to really worry
about ?? Just found out today that my husband is that low, is there is anything he can
take or do to help this ??
I have a sperm count in exactly that range; I used to have a count in the 4 - 6 mil/ml
range, which is statistically zero. I had two varicoceles removed, and the count went
up to 14 - 20 mil/ml, which is considered on the borderline of infertile. There are a
couple of things to consider about your husband's count: how is the motility (do the
sperm move rapidly in one direction), and how is the morphology (are they normally
formed). These two factors are of just as much significance as the overall count: a man
can have 400 mil/ml, but if the motility and morphology are bad, the sperm is useless.
We have been trying for 3 years now, with a total of about 8 Intra-Uterine Inseminations
(IUI). From my experience, I think you will find pregnancy from natural sex with a
count like your husband's to be very difficult, but IUI might work great. You also might
have your husband examined for a varicocele or two which could be removed; it is usually
done through day surgery at a cost of $2000-$4000, and your insurance might or might not
cover it.
I haven't found anyone yet who can tell me how to increase sperm counts. After having
umpteen number of counts myself, though, I can tell you a couple of things that seem to
help me. Vigorous excercise improves my count as well as the morphology and motility.
Also, abstaining from sex for more than 72 hours before a sample is taken, actually
seems to hurt the count. Most specialists will tell you to abstain for at least 48
hours before attempting to get pregnant [if you have a low or marginal sperm count],
and not to have sex more often than 48 hours during the critical window, and this is
certainly correct. However, I have found that if we have sex about 72 hours before the
IUI, the count is higher as well as the motility and morphology being good, than if we
abstain for, say, 4 or 5 days before the count.
Nothing special here [to cause unusually high male fertility]. He is one of this
professionals who never wears jeans and wears dockers/dress pants with his plain jockey
type underwear.... cotton, if that counts. My RE told me at the start that my husband's
age may make him less fertile than I might think since he is over 40 and they don't take
sperm donors over 40. After our first IUI's she decided that he was very fertile and
hence she had to keep a better watch on my eggs.....she would let a woman with a less
fertile husband release more. My husband is even overweight.....
The only thing I know about this area is the RE told me that my husband could continue
taking his Zantac for his stomache ulcer since it had no effect on sperm, but no
Tagament....I keep seeing that HP stuff advertized on T.V. Making babies could easily
give you ulcers. :)
Dr. Shaban is an expert in male infertility. According to the section on semen analysis,
a volume of greater than 5 ml is abnormal (but I don't know why). So, looks like, in
this case, more is _not_ better. BTW, what was motility? This is a major factor and can
overcome the effect of somewhat low concentrations.
I believe the best indicators of possible fertility problems [in a semen analysis] are
 (in order):
1) morphology
2) motility
3) concentration (count in millions/ml) There have been several articles on predictors
   of subfertility and most agree with the above. Morphology needs to be done using
   "strict criteria", I believe, for it to be worth anything.

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