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Premature Ejaculation Research


Premature Ejaculation Research.


Treatment Methods Researched

·         Stop and Start Method - Identification and control of sensations through sexual stimulation until the onset of ejaculation.

·         Tarutao Cure - A natural cure for premature ejaculation without medication.

·         Squeeze Method - Just prior to ejaculation, the man gently squeezes the tip or base of the penis.

·         Biofeedback Therapy - A rectal plug helps to relax of the muscles that control ejaculation.

·         Drug Therapy - Ejaculation may be prolonged with the use of antidepressants such as Anafronil, Prozac, and Zoloft.

·         Desensitizing Creams - The penis head is numbed with creams that reduce sensation.

·         Different Sexual Positions - Ejaculation can be controlled with different sexual positions.

·         Non-FDA-approved medications - Homeopathic dosages of vitamins, caffeine or herbal substances.

·         Counseling - Discussion with licensed sex therapists and/or marriage counselors.

Stop and Start Method

Drs. Master and Johnson pioneered this method of identifying and controlling sensations through sexual stimulation. It can be accomplished with or without a partner. This method requires that the man engage in sexual stimulation until he realizes that he is about to ejaculate. Stimulation is then removed for about thirty seconds and resumed. These steps are repeated until ejaculation is desired. In the final step of the sequence, stimulation is continued until a climax is achieved.

Tarutao Cure

This ancient Thai technique has been researched and published by  Dr. Mark Sullivan and his team of specialists. Clinical tests have proved success rates above 95 percent. More information is available at Dr. Sullivan's website at

Squeeze Method

The Squeeze Method also involves sexual stimulation until just prior to the "point of no return". At this time, the man or his partner gently squeezes the tip or the base of the penis for several seconds. Further stimulation is withheld for 30 seconds and is then resumed. The man or the couple may choose to repeat the sequence and continue stimulation until ejaculation occurs.

Biofeedback Therapy

In Biofeedback Therapy a man is encouraged to become aware of the muscles that control ejaculation and relax them in order to control his body functions. A rectal plug is required to stimulate these muscles.

Drug Therapy

Some studies have revealed that low doses of antidepressants such as Anafronil, Prozac, and Zoloft have been effective in prolonging ejaculation by up to 5 - 10 minutes. There are, however, a few side effects. 
It is important to note that this therapy is NOT approved by the FDA.

Desensitizing Creams

The application of desensitizing creams serves to lessen the sensations felt by men during intercourse. The underlying basis of this treatment is that men can maintain an erection for a longer period of time. However, many men have found intercourse to be less pleasurable due to decreased stimulation.

Different Sexual Positions

A man's ability to control his ejaculation can be affected by the sexual positions a couple engages in. Engaging in coitus while on his back gives the partner control and allows the man to feel more relaxed and allows him to guide his partner. Controlling ejaculation while on top of your partner (the missionary position) is much more difficult.

Non-FDA-approved medications

There are other creams, suppositories, sprays, drops and other non-FDA-approved medications that are available on the market. Although these products do not cure premature ejaculation, patients may feel enhanced self-esteem due to their homeopathic effects.


Sessions with licensed sex therapists and/or marriage counselors may address and identify marital and relationship issues that can often be underlying cause of premature ejaculation.


Premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation during intercourse to the point that it is when a man desires it or it is mutually satisfying for the couple.

Causes, Incidence and Risk Factors

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common complaints of men and couples. Adolescents, young adults and other sexually naive males are more likely to experience this condition than other age groups and sexually mature males. Such factors as lack of sexual experience, lack of knowledge regarding normal male and female sexual responses, and the association of psychological factors (fear, guilt, and anxiety, for example) with sexual activity, all increase risk.

The main cause of premature ejaculation is biological. Upon sexual stimulation and arousal, the normal physical responses for a man and a woman are similar. A man will achieve a climax and then ejaculate about two to three minutes after penetrating the vagina. Women will reach orgasm about 12 to 14 minutes after intercourse occurs. Many women do not achieve orgasm especially if only penetration of the vagina by the penis occurs during sexual activity. Many women achieve orgasm through other methods of sexual stimulation although for some, orgasm is not achieved under any circumstances nor with any type of stimulation. Roughly 10% of women fall into this category. Other causes of premature ejaculation include psychological factors such as marital and relationship issues; performance anxiety (with partners new to each other and especially in the inexperienced partner); fear (associated with concerns regarding getting caught or discovered, sexually transmitted diseases or potential pregnancy ); and guilt (believing the activity is sinful e.g., premarital or extramarital sex).


Ejaculation occurs either before the individual or couple desires. The point where satisfaction occurs is entirely subjective but may range from before penetration to a point too soon after penetration.

Signs And Tests

An examination usually reveals that nothing is physically wrong. Anything abnormal that is found is usually not associated with the condition. A follow-up interview of the person or couple reveals more useful information.

Expectations (Prognosis)

With education and practice of techniques a man is able to learn to control his ejaculations in about 95% of all cases.


·         A desired pregnancy may be prevented due to the occurrence of ejaculation prior to entry into the vagina.

·         The consequence of prolonged premature ejaculation can cause sexual dissatisfaction on the part of either or both partners and may lead to sexual tension or unhappiness in the relationship.


The knowledge of normal male and female sexual responses prior to engaging in sexual activity may be helpful in preventing premature ejaculation.
The emergence of sexual tension and relationship difficulties are greatly reduced if sexual activity occurs under these circumstances: only after the partners know each other well and are comfortable with one another. Both partners consent to sexual intimacy without feeling pressured. Sexual activity should occur in a private and relaxed setting. In addition, contraception issues should be discussed, decided and acted upon by the couple.


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