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Diseases and Infections
Donor Egg and Sperm
Frequency of Sex
Frequently Asked Questions
Fertility and Lifestyle
From Egg to Baby
Helping Yourself in Infertility
Hormonal Ups and Downs
Infertility Drugs
Male Infertility
Menstrual and Ovulatory Issues
Pregnancy, Childbirth Miscarraige and Conceiving
Reproductive System
Unexplained Infertility
Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs
Womens Symptoms
Timed Insemination


There are patients in whom there is a problem with the sperm getting up into the uterus in adequate numbers. Sometimes there is a mild male factor problem leading to poor sperm quality or number. Couples with these problems may have an increased chance of pregnancy if the sperm is placed on the cervix or directly in the uterus. We do both timed intrauterine insemination as well as cervical cap inseminations.

Intrauterine insemination is an office procedure. The women will usually "time" the insemination by calculating when she is ovulating by either the time of the menstrual cycle, or by using an ovulation predictor kit. Ovulation predictor kits are available over the counter for $20-30. At the time of ovulation, the woman will then call the office and arrange the insemination. A semen sample from either the husband or a donor, will then be prepared. The preparation process involves washing the sperm to remove antibodies and bacteria. The sperm is then resuspended in a special nutrient solution. The patient will bring the sample to the office. The physician will then carefully place the sample into the uterus using a special catheter. This process is usually painless. Sometimes some minimal cramping is noted.
Cervical cap inseminations are done in similar fashion, however the sperm preparation process is usually a little easier. With this technique, the sperm sample is place into a special cap that fits onto the cervix. The woman will remove the cap at home several hours later.


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