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Taking Proxeed

Taking Proxeed is a simple step you can take to promote your fertility because it can improve sperm quality

Research has shown that among all healthy couples taking longer than expected to conceive, the male factor is the sole contributing factor for as many as 40% and contributory in an additional 20% of couples. Yet there are limited options available to improve sperm quality in men..... !

However, two metabolic cofactors, L-carnitine (LC) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC), have been shown through over 30 years of scientific research to play an important role in the metabolism, development and function of spermatozoa. Research with LC and ALC, the main ingredients of Proxeed, has been the subject of more than 200 published papers. LC and ALC have also been the subject of 11 human clinical trial reports involving almost 400 men.

Proxeed is a dietary supplement containing these two ingredients and this section of our web site will explain the possible benefits of using it.

  • Proxeed makes good sense if you are known to have poor sperm quality but we also recommend its use as a pro-active step for couples just starting to plan a pregnancy as well.


Enhance your fertility

It only takes a few simple steps

  • make sure your diet is a healthy one; cut back on caffeine and alcohol intake
  • take regular exercise
  • stop smoking
  • avoid or reduce stress
  • wear loose fitting underwear or boxer shorts
  • take Vitamin C
  • take Proxeed as a supplement to the above since it is a simple and straightforward way to reinforce your male fertility.


When conception is not as easy as expected

Research has now clearly shown that male factors are implicated in at least 40% of all conception problems and a combination of factors involving both partners account for another 20% of conception problems. So it is important to recognise that male fertility is an important matter for any couple wanting a family.

Any man is therefore well advised to take steps to improve his fertility and hence improve the chances of conception - it makes sense to check your sperm count using our FertilMarq home screening kit because a significant proportion of men will have low sperm count and will therefore risk wasting a year trying for a family with little chance of success. You should also take Proxeed - especially if you have already been shown to have poor sperm quality.

Sperm Quality: what is normal ?

Sperm quality is judged on the basis of five factors defined by the World Health Organisation and if one of these factors is inadequate it can affect the chances of conception. These five factors are;

Number of sperm cells - this refers to the quantity of sperm cells in the sample of ejaculated semen. The normal ejaculate will contain more than 40 million sperm cells.

Concentration of sperm cells - this refers to the numbers of sperm in a single millilitre of ejaculate. A normal semen sample will contain more than 20 million sperm cells per millilitre of ejaculate.

Motility - this refers to the sperm cells ability to swim ie they should be strong swimmers! In a healthy semen sample more than 50% of the sperm will show excellent motility ie be strong swimmers, and 25% of them will move strongly in one direction. Experts believe that this is an important characteristic of sperm because of their need to swim from the vagina, through the cervix, into the womb and up the fallopian tubes to meet the released egg when ovulation occurs.

Speed - Some sperm cells move faster than others and at least 25% of the sperm cells should have fast and straight forward movement.

Morphology - This refers to the size and shape of the sperm and a healthy sperm looks rather like a tadpole. At least 30% of sperm cells should have normal shape and size.


The active ingredients in Proxeed support sperm quality by providing metabolic substrates for the cells making the sperm cells. Proxeed has been shown to improve sperm quantity, concentration, motility and speed of sperm cells.


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