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Womens Symptoms

Are There Any Natural Progesterone Side Effects?
There are NO known natural progesterone side effects!

According to many doctors, when used in amounts no greater than what the
body normally makes, the are NO natural progesterone side effects.
You can buy Natural Progesterone in a cream that you simply apply to your
Natural progesterone supplementation will balance your hormones without
any progesterone side effects, and can reduce or eliminate your
menopausal symptoms.
Fortunately, you don't have to worry about natural progesterone side
effects. Just use it in the "psysiological doses", which means use it in
the same quantities as what the body makes, or 20 to 40 milligrams per
day of natural progesterone cream.
Natural progesterone side effects have never been reported by women using
it for more than 30 years.
The longer a woman uses Natural Progesterone Cream, the greater the
benefits. And if you apply the cream on a daily basis, you will find
that most of your symptoms will go away.
To eliminate premenopause and menopause symptoms, you can choose to:
1 - Take the free online health test provided by this leading Women's
HealthCare Clinic. For 17 years, they have used safe, effective, natural
treatments for eliminating hormone imbalance symptoms and other women's
health problems.
In fact, 85% of the women who follow their program report improvement in
just 2-3 weeks.
Premenopause and menopause symptoms are telling you that your body isnt
getting the support it needs. Most women don't need synthetic drugs to
regain their health. It sounds too good to be true, but it really IS!
Your individual symptoms tell you what you must do.
2 - Balance your hormones yourself. Natural progesterone supplementation
 has very positive benefits, and there are no progesterone side effects.
The easiest and most effective form to use is natural progesterone CREAM.
All you do is apply it directly to your skin, and from there it's
absorbed into the underlying fat layer.
Then, the natural progesterone can be absorbed into the blood stream on a
continuous basis as the body needs it.
Massage 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cream twice daily to any of the following
areas: hands, belly, inner arms, neck, face, thighs, buttocks and breasts
until absorbed, alternating application sites.
Use for 21 days or as needed. Discontinue for 7 days (when you are having
your period) and repeat every month.
Natural Progesterone Cream Sources
According to Raquel Martin in her book "The Estrogen Alternative -
Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone", progesterone has
been prescribed for more than 30 years with no reported natural
progesterone side effects and no increases in cancer incidence.
We recommend Natural Progesterone Cream over synthetic progesterone,
because it is compatible with the body. There are no natural progesterone
side effects (bloating and depression...etc) that you experience with
the synthetic progestin drugs.
The same is NOT true about synthetic estrogen plus progestin (synthetic
progesterone), which has many side effects and increased health risks..
There are no unwanted natural progesterone side effects. Natural
progesterone will restore hormone balance, and it is beneficial in
treating or preventing:
* irregular menstrual flow, cramping
* bloating, depression, irritability
* migraine headaches, insomnia
* hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness
* infertility, incontinence, endometriosis
* osteoporosis, loss of sex drive
* protects against breast cancer, endometrial cancer
* normalizes blood sugar levels, natural diuretic
* normalizes blood clotting, uses fat for energy

Most of these selected books are very informative, and most of these
doctors have had decades of experience in using natural progesterone
supplementation to eliminate premenopause and menopause symptoms.
Menopause is not a disease. Once you achieve proper hormone balance with
natural progesterone, you will experience increased vitality and the
reduction of menopause symptoms
Natural estrogen and natural progesterone - these are the hormones
produced by your body, or you can help the body with natural
supplementary sources.
There are neither estrogen or progesterone side effects when they come
from natural sources, and when used in the amounts that are similar to
what the body makes.
Menopause is very often treated as estrogen deficiency disease, but
estrogen levels drop only 40 to 60 percent at menopause, while
progesterone levels drop to nearly zero.
This is very important concept, because it is higher estrogen levels that
can create hormone imbalance. And it is hormone imbalance that causes
menopausal symptoms.
Natural progesterone has been formulated into a reliable, inexpensive,
natural cream with no known progesterone side effects and made from
plants, not chemicals or drugs.

Balancing excess ESTROGEN with Natural Progesterone supplementation is
the first step in the solution.
If you want to use natural estrogen cream (estriol), you should only use
it if you are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness
and you want to maintain your skin looking younger, it will improve your
memory and restrains bone loss.

When do you need the estrogen "estriol"?
The most common menopause symptoms that can indicate the need for
estrogen supplementation are hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal
Women that have symptoms of menopause should try to have a good diet,
take some supplements, plenty of exercise, natural progesterone and
natural estrogen are by far the best way to reverse most of these
Avoid being put on synthetic HRT! Always try natural options with no
side effects first.

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