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What is a Retroverted Uterus

What is a Retroverted Uterus?
A retroverted uterus is the medical term used to describe a uterus that is tipped
or tilted backwards away from the belly. The condition is also referred to as a
tipped uterus or tilted uterus. All three terms are interchangeable. The uterus
is normally suspended in a straight up and down position or slightly forward
toward the belly. A retroverted uterus is usually congenital or something you are
born with, but can be caused by labor while giving birth.
In most cases, a retroverted uterus does not cause any problems.
However, some women with a retroverted uterus experience pain during sexual
intercourse. This happens when the penis hits the cervix or uterus during sex.
This condition is known as collision dyspareunia . Women may also suffer pain
during menstruation or experience infertility because of a retroverted uterus.
A retroverted uterus can be repositioned through:
Exercises Although doctors differ in their opinion on effectiveness, a
"knee-chest" exercise may be prescribed to reposition a retroverted uterus
temporarily. Note that the doctor will only recommend exercise therapy if he or
she can reposition the uterus manually in the office. The knee-chest exercise will
not be effective if the uterus has become fixed in the retroverted position
because of endometriosis, fibroid tumors , pelvic infection, or other cause.  
Pessary A pessary is a plastic or silicone device that is placed in the vagina
to reposition a tipped uterus. It can be used on a temporary or permanent basis,
though long-term use has been linked to inflammation, ulceration and other
Surgery The minimally invasive UPLIFT uterine suspension procedure can provide
lasting pain relief in most cases of collision dyspareunia. Uterine suspension
can also relieve dysmenorrhea in a significant number of women who have painful
periods and have no other identifiable pathologies other than a retroverted
The UPLIFT procedure can be performed on an out-patient basis, has a short
recovery time and has demonstrated a success rate of over 85% in reducing or
eliminating the pain associated with a retroverted uterus.
How Do I Know if I Have a Retroverted Uterus?
Your physician can perform a simple physical exam to find out. This can be done
during a routine pelvic exam as shown in the illustration.  If you suspect that
you have a retroverted uterus, please discuss it with your physician.


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